Cllr. Noel French, Siobhan Bagnall, Andrea Ward, Stephanie Linnane, Craig Ward, Alanna Geraghty, Maura Maguire, Course Co-ordinator, Shay Casserly, Module Tutor.

Students 'rock' Trim with promo video

A group of students who had have just completed a digital media technology module with Trim Training Opportunities have used their newly learned skills to make a promotional video about Trim.
The students, with the assistance of tutor Shay Casserly went out and about filming to showcase many of the amenities and businesses in Trim, all put to the tune of Queen’s ‘We will rock you’.

Trim Will Rock You from Shay Casserley Films on Vimeo


This was a teamwork effort and the end result is very impressive. There are plenty of familiar faces from around the town, throughout the two-minute video.
Well done to everyone who took part- Craig Ward, Alanna Geraghty, Siobhan Bagnall, James Connolly, Rochelle Dunne, Stephanie Linnane, Fiona McManus, Robin Smith, Andrea Ward. 
The students would like to thank the module tutor, Shay Caserly, for all his work and input on the project. 
Trim Training Opportunities is a community-based training project funded by Louth Meath Enterprise and Training Board (LMETB). The course runs in Trim and caters for people from Trim and all the surrounding areas. The overall aim of the program is to help unemployed people to gain skills and competence in order to enhance their employment opportunities.