“Take care and watch out for each other" - Five Ways to Well-being during Covid-19 crisis

The following suggestions may help you, your friends and your family to look after your mental health and wellbeing and support resilience at this time when we are dealing with such an unprecedented threat to our physical health. However, there is much we can do for personal, family and community resiliencies through the application of the Five Ways to Wellbeing promoted by Mental Health Ireland. These include 

1) Connect, it is important to stay connected and share concerns with family members and neighbours and friends. At times of stress we will always thrive and feel better when talking and chatting and keeping in touch. Also be aware there are a number of  free national help lines that can be contacted  that provide emotional support including the HSE  1800 341 900 .Although there is a strict health warning and guidance about “social distance” adherence to which is essential, we can still be in touch with others through social media, texting, direct phone calls, what apps groups, indeed emailing. You're not alone; talk to someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often the first step to recovery.

2) Be Active, like never it is important to keep our minds and body active and distract ourselves from the constant news reporting on Covid 19. This can be achieved by going for walks, consider some gardening, planting flowerpots, take out a board game. When out and about be mindful of social distance. Fresh air and green exercise are well known to provide physical and psychological health benefits.

3)Take Notice, very important to be aware and know what is happening around us and to keep in contact with best advice being issued by the HSE.  It can also be helpful for peace of mind to limit our engagement with the constant media flow switch off, tune into favourite music, tv programmes, local radio station. Unfortunately, crisis like this trigger scaremongering and conspiracy theories, that help none of us and serve only to contribute uncertainty and anxiety. By informing yourself through trustworthy sources on the current outbreak can support you and your family to feel more in control and accepting of the situation on hand. Rumour and speculation are a very poor combination for wellbeing.

4) Keep Learning, keep yourself and your family informed about good hygiene practice as recommended which include, washing your hands more often than usual, for twenty seconds with soap and hot water when you return from work, or have been away from your home, ensure all family member get into such a routine. Many place and business are supplying hand sanitiser. Also use tissues if you sneeze and immediately dispose of them. It goes without saying, stay at home if you do not feel well. This is also a timely opportunity to explore online free learning opportunities of which there are. Google free online learning opportunities. Of course do not forget your free library “borrow box “ app.

5) Give – give yourself the space and time to look after yourself, this is not a selfish sentiment. This includes ensuring you maintain a healthy diet, build in exercise. As best you can stick to your daily routine.  We can also watch out and try to reassure others that we know that maybe worried and look in on people where possible that are living alone. It is also important to have open and helpful conversation with younger family members who may through their own social media platforms be worried and concerned. 
Finally remember and let it be your mantra TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More and the recent supportive words of our President Michael D Higgin “Take care and watch out for each other.” We all must adjust for the short term and be optimistic for the immediate future.