Teagan Nolan (10), from Dunderry wrote 'Coronavirus'

'Don't forget to always wash your hands, This virus is serious, so it's important that you understand.'

We're not too sure about the intro but here's a super poem on Covid-19 from Teagan Nolan (10) from Dunderry. Please send us in you poems of short stories and we'll do our best to publish them all!


It all began in China when a man ate a snake,
That turned out to be a grave mistake.

How was he supposed to know what fate lay ahead,
The next thing we knew 40,000 people were dead!

This is a highly contagious disease,
You can catch it from a cough or a sneeze.

Try not to touch your mouth, eyes or nose,
That's how you get germs in your body, everyone knows!

If you want to keep safe, and keep your family safe too,
You can read these tips that I'm about to share with you.

Don't forget to always wash your hands,
This virus is serious, so it's important that you understand.

Always cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue,
You see, that way, your germs won't be an issue.

We have to stay at home, for fear of getting Covid-19,
This is truly one of the biggest viruses the world has ever seen.

We have to stay at least two metres away,
To save the world and keep this virus at bay.

Let's take a moment to applaud our doctors and nurses,
They're dealing with one of the world's most devastating curses. 

The poor doctors and nurses work all day and night,
But we are not going down without a fight.

Don't meet up with anyone you know,
We all know this sucks, but that's the way it has to go.

If your friends ask you to go over, you should just stay at home,
After all, the guardai insisted that we're not to roam.

Some people still have to go to work,
To save people from hunger and thirst.

Truck drivers, cleaners and grocers still go,
We are all so greatful though.

It can get very boring, that is for sure,
But don't worry, because they've almost found a cure!

You have to protect the vulnerable and the old,
Don't visit them just stay within your household

I hope that you stay safe and well,
As my poem draws to a close, I bid you farewell!

By Teagan Nolan
Dunderry (10)