Works on Navan roundabouts and junctions to begin on 22nd June

Meath County Council has appointed a contractor for the upgrade works to the two roundabouts on Abbey Road, the upgrade of Bridge Street, the Bridge Street/Church Hill junction and the Circular Road/Bridge Street/Academy Street junction in Navan. The works are expected to commence on Monday 22nd June. These works, part of the Navan Town Scheme (Navan 2030) which is being funded by the National Transport Authority, provide for improvements and enhancements to the appearance of the town and its public areas, pedestrian safety measures, and improved access and movement in and out of the town centre.

The works at the roundabouts will include new zebra crossings on all roads joining the roundabouts, with pedestrian crossings being raised so as to be level with the adjoining footpaths. In addition, the width of the roads approaching the roundabouts will be narrowed and widened footpaths will be provided. These changes, in conjunction with the raised zebra crossings, will ensure that traffic speeds are naturally reduced and provide for a safer pedestrian environment.

During the works on Abbey Road, temporary traffic management measures are to be implemented, and will include making the road between the roundabouts temporarily one-way for traffic, with vehicles being only permitted to travel in the direction of the Post Office and Shopping Centre. Additional temporary traffic management measures and restrictions will be implemented during the course of these works, and these will be advertised in advance. Alternative traffic routes will be signposted and communicated via Variable Message Signs (VMS).

On Bridge Street, the footpaths are to be widened and a new road surface is to be laid. The junction at Church Hill is to be raised as a traffic calming measure, and to improve pedestrian safety and access at the crossing locations.

At the Circular Road/Bridge Street/ Academy Street junction, the road carriageway widths are to be narrowed in order to facilitate new wider footpaths and the provision of new signalised pedestrian crossing locations on all arms of the junction.

The upgrade works will include the replacement of existing pavements with high quality paving materials and finishes. An upgrade to the public street lighting, new street furniture, and landscaping measures is also included. These works are anticipated to continue until the end of June of next year.

Meath County Council apologises in advance for any inconvenience and thanks you for your cooperation and patience while these important works are being implemented to improve our Town.

Further updates will be provided on the Meath County Council website and through local media and social media.