Rail line review welcomed amid calls to ensure funding for the project

As the National Transport Authority confirmed this week it is starting its review of the Transport Strategy which will include the Navan Rail line, local representatives have reiterated their support for the project and have demanded that funding is provided.

News of the review came as Dunboyne got news of hundreds of potential new jobs which could increase commuting and housing levels in the area.

EngineNode Ltd has been granted planning permission for a data centre at a site at Bracetown/Gunnockstrown, which will create 500 jobs during construction and 275 high-quality jobs once operational.

The NTA said this week, it will commence the review of the position on the Navan Rail Line in the second half of this year and expects to complete it around mid-2021.

Minister Thomas Byrne said the need for the extension of the rail line from the M3 Parkway to Dunshaughlin and Navan and indeed North of Navan has never been more evident.

“A recent Meath County Council Commuter survey has shown that 81per cent of Meath commuters are commuting to Dublin. That statistic clearly illustrates a sustained demand for the expansion and further investment into the railway system in Meath.

Deputy Darren O'Rourke said the Rail Line makes absolute sense for the people of Meath he would be discussing the issue with Minister Eamonn Ryan, while Deputy Johnny Guirke said Sinn Fein will do all in its power to keep this on the agenda and get the green light for the project.

Deputy Peadar Toibin said it ws a serious mistake that the rail line wasn't included in the programme for government. “I will be meeting with the Minister for Transport within the next ten days to urge him to prioritise the rail line which is so important to the future of Meath.

Senator Shane Cassells said it was now critical that Minister Eamonn Ryan opens his cheque book. “This report will prove the rail line is viable but the Minister and gfovertnment must be prepared to fund it.”#

The Green Party in both Meath East and West have published an open letter requesting a meeting with Minister Eamon Ryan to discuss the extension of the Navan Rail Line, to have it prioritised and implemented within the term of this government.

Meanwhile, Cllr Paul McCabe tabled an emergency motion at the Kells Municipal District on Monday calling on the National Transport Authority to include the town of Kells and wider North Meath in the NTA review of the Navan Rail Line.