Mary Smith with a picture of her daughter Emma at Emma’s and Daniel’s grave in KilberryPictures: Seamus Farrelly

‘I put on a brave face every day but I cry most of the time...The pain never eases’

A DEVASTATED Meath mum who lost her daughter and grandson in a horrific car accident has urged all parents to appreciate their kids “because you never know going to bed at night what you will wake up to.”

Heartbroken Mary Smith and her family will release balloons this weekend to mark the 30th birthday of her daughter Emma O'Keeffe who, she says, “lived for her kids.”

Emma was tragically killed alongside her beloved seven-year old son Daniel when the car she was driving was involved in a head-on collision with a HGV near their home between Nobber and Kingscourt at 12.50pm on 12th January.

Emma (26) passed away from her injuries at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda the following day while Daniel died ten days later after saving three people through the donation of his organs.

Her two- year old son Logan miraculously escaped with a broken collar bone in the smash which changed Mary and her family's lives forever. Her other son Adam who was five at the time was still at school when the accident occurred.

An inquest into their deaths was told that “a miniscule” lapse in concentration by the driver (Emma) was the cause of the collision when dash cam footage from the articulated lorry showed the car veering onto the wrong side of the road.

Since losing her daughter and grandson, Mary admits that she cries every day with a heart-splitting pain that never eases.

"I relive that day in my mind all the time," said the mum of four from Carlanstown.

"Emma had been in town when she got a call from Daniel's school in Wilkinstown, saying that Daniel didn't seem to like the lights.

"She rang me at 12.10pm that day on her way to the doctors with a fear that Daniel might have meningitis.

"After the accident, Temple Street diagnosed Daniel with Type A Influenza.

"That call was the last time I spoke to her.

"I was actually in Drogheda that morning with my daughter Kelly and was on the way home when an ambulance with a garda escort passed us on the road.

"Kelly said: "God help the people in the ambulance" and I replied: "Some poor, unfortunate person is going to get the worst call of their lives now.

"I was in Navan when Emma's husband Robin rang me to tell me about the accident. He was on his way to Crumlin Hospital where Logan was being air-lifted to and wasn't sure how bad Emma and Daniel were.

"I honestly wasn't prepared for what I saw at the hospital. The staff did everything for her but her injuries were too severe and she died at 5.25am the next day.

"Daniel had been transferred to Temple Street Hospital and I was getting feedback about his injuries from Robin who was in Dublin with him. Thankfully Logan escaped with a broken collarbone but poor Daniel had horrific head injuries and couldn't be saved despite two operations.

"Our little hero Daniel saved three people with his organs. His loving heart went to a two-year old boy in Great Ormond Street Hospital in London while another boy received his liver and one of his kidneys was donated to a mother."

Emma would have been 30 this Sunday and Mary (53) is determined to mark the occasion.

"I put on a brave face every day but I cry most of the time. The pain hasn't eased and it never will.

"Emma loved us all but she was a real daddy's girl and would ring her dad Patrick every day. She was a premature baby, born at 28 weeks and just 4lb 11 oz so Patrick was always that bit more protective of her.

"She was also extremely close to her brother Peter as well as her sisters Donna and Kelly.

"Tragically, Patrick also lost his nephew Simon Delany ten years ago who died trying to save another person from a lake in Virginia.

"Emma lived for her three boys and would have to be first at the school gates every day. She'd say if she was late, the boys wouldn't know where to go.

"She also loved Christmas and would have everything organised by now. She would have been so excited to celebrate turning 30 so we are going to Emma and Daniel's grave in Kilberry on Sunday and release some balloons in her honour.

"A day never goes by when Emma and Daniel are not talked about. Our love has only doubled, if that's possible, for Logan and Adam.

"I'd just say to any parent: Appreciate your children, hug them every chance you get and spoil them if you can.

"You never know when you go to bed at night what you will face the next day.

"We used to laugh together and talk all the time. Now I can only talk to her at her grave where I'm met with silence."