There is no obvious indication as to which direction has the right of way at what is essentially a T-junction in Trim.

Trim junction still causing confusion... but could there be a solution?

Motorists in Trim have been highly critical of the junction of Market Street, Watergate Street and Emmet Street claiming it has become more dangerous since recent road works were carried out.

There have been claims that drivers don't know who has priority at the junction and that the pedestrian crossings are too close to the actual junction.

The works included the provision of a raised surface at the junction to slow down traffic as well as pedestrian crossings on the arms of the junction.

One local motorist said it was extremely dangerous because traffic is travelling quickly through the junction, not knowing who has priority and claims there have been a number of near misses.

Cllr Noel French

Local councillor, Noel French raised the issue at meetings of the Municipal Council.

"We have been told by the engineers that the junction is designed so motorists will approach it slowly and carefully.

"People coming from Watergate Street see a straight road ahead and don't seem to see the stop sign there.

"You have to take the junction carefully but so many people have a problem with it."

Cllr French pointed out that the pedestrian crossings are at the corners.

"Some people have suggested they be moved further away from the corners, but the problem is people won't use them if they are too far away and will still cross the road at the junction," he said.

Possible solution - One Way System around a pedestrianised Market St

Trim resident Ben Duffy offerd this idea into Facebook's Real Trim Discussion Board in September and got quite the response... here it is..

"I hear a lot of people talking about Market Street and what a dose it is to drive down it from most directions. Couldn't agree more. I live on Castle Street and deal with it every day.

"It doesn't really make much sense. The street has so many zebra crossings that it comes to a standstill with road traffic ridiculously easily.

"However, I think traffic lights, while they will prevent people from crashing into each other, will not help speed up traffic.

"In my view, it should be pedestrianised with a single, wide zebra crossing on either end, a removable bollard for council vehicles and deliveries on either end and the two adjoining streets turned into one-ways.

"It makes sense in every way I think..."

1. Road traffic

A. Coming from Castle Street carpark direction needing to get out Watergate Street direction.

I have to do this more or less every day and timed it numerous times. It is quicker going down Finnegans Way and around by Emmet Street to get to Watergate Street when you factor in turning right at the end of Market Street and the three zebra crossings

B. Coming from Watergate Street to get literally anywhere...

Yes, we all hate when people run the stop sign at Watergate Street. Have you tried driving up from that way lately? It's a blind bend for most of Market Street and because people don't indicate coming from Emmet Street it's hard to know whether you're good to go when turning left. Additionally having two zebra crossings and going slightly uphill makes it a pain in the neck to go by. When obeying the stop sign at a peak time you could be waiting there five minutes. Leaving Aldi I always without fail, take a left over the bridge and come back around by Bridge Street and save time.

C. Coming from Haggard St and heading Emmet Street direction

Again, it's more or less the same amount of time to just go by Finnegans Way.

D. Coming from Emmet Street going to Castle Street

This one is probably the only one that would be less time efficient as you'd have to loop back around by Bridge Street, but really theres not much in the difference.

2. Market Street for pedestrians

There's no end to what you could do with the space in the street.

A. Open air markets, as the street was intended

B. A bandstand or performance space for the summer months, Paddy's Day or festivals like Puca, Salmon of Knowledge or even just the local choir groups, drama society, musical society to perform on

C. Planters and raised beds for a sort of forest garden or community garden (ask advice of the Trim Community Garden by the Black Friary)

D. A small amount of space either end of it for parking

E. Park benches or seating areas for people to sit and eat lunch or whatever

F. Some sort of green or mini park

G. Some historic displays or artwork with info

"Or just leave it more or less as it is and just see how it naturally develops.

"I think everyone wins with this situation...

"Motorists have less standstills

"Pedestrians have a quieter and more engaging town centre

"Shop owners have space to put out displays, chairs and tables or what have you on the footpath.

"Tourists have somewhere to go when they land in town without feeling like they're on a main road.

The biggest pitfall I can see is there are roughly 30 parking spaces on Market Street. They would need to be accounted for elsewhere. One suggestion would be to turn the now unused lanes on half of Emmet Street, Watergate Street and Castle Street into parking spaces.

Aside from it taking funding and a lot of community work and willpower, does anyone agree this is a good idea?

Just trying to get the conversation going because I love this town and want to see it flourish.

What's your view? Email: