Restaurants and gastro pubs to reopen from today

From today, cafes, restaurants, and pubs that serve food will be allowed to reopen their indoor dining areas to the public – but this time there are some changes to the rules.

Under new measures, indoor and outdoor dining can begin again once a substantial meal worth at least €9 is being served to each customer.

However, those meals will have to be prepared on site inside the premises.

Pre-booking is required where a distance of two metres between tables cannot be maintained.

A maximum limit of six people will be able to sit at each table and they can all be from different households.

Their time there will be limited to one hour and 45 minutes though, unless the tables are spaced two metres or more apart.

Multiple table bookings for the same group will not be allowed, ruling out the holding of Christmas parties or events.

Lareina Quigley Headfort Hotel

Headfort Arms Hotel in Kells' restaurant manager, Lareina Quigley says they are prepared and looking forward to welcoming customers back through the doors. She added:

"We are really excited and a little bit nervous but we are delighted to welcome everybody back in a safe and happy environment for the Christmas season.

"We have carried out some renovations so we have broken the Vanilla Pod through to the Celtic and the Courtyard and we have a new outdoor area called The Terrace so we have loads of space between all of our tables.

Happy to be Back at Darnley Athboy Owner David Sheridan with Joan Mc Elhenny, With David and Vera Spooner

"Everything has been sanitised and the staff have all been well trained so we are happy to be open and ready for business.

David Sheridan, owner of The Darnley Lodge Hotel in Athboy said businesses reopening makes a difference to the atmosphere in the town. He added:

"It's good to see life back in the town and to be able to welcome our customers back.

"I think people need to get out and about, it's a social outlet more than anything for people."