Cllrs call for all contracts and works on interconnector to be suspended

The North-South interconnector pylon issue exploded onto the Meath County Council agenda this week when councillors called for all contracts and works to be suspended until there was an independent assessment into the feasibility of undergrounding cables is carried out.

The possibility of the erection of pylons across a broad swathe of land in three counties including Meath has caused fierce controversy over a number of years and has put equally strong pressure on political parties from anti-pylon campaigners.

The latest salvo came from Aontu representative on Meath County Council Cllr Emer Toibin (above, right) who tabled a motion calling on government leaders to demand that EirGrid “desists from all works to the north-south interconnector and that the procurement and progression of contracts for pylons and construction be suspended until a comprehensive, independent and updated report on the technical feasibility asn cost of undergrounding of the interconnector is carried out”.

The motion got widespread support from the majority of councillors including the Fianna Fail group of 12 councillors who said that party representatives had raised the issue directly with the Taoiseach.

There was one dissenting voice at Monday’s monthly meeting of the council, Fine Gael Cllr Alan Tobin who said that the interconnector application had gone through a judicial review and could not be stopped. “We need to grow up and get away from undergrounding and overgrounding. They [pylons] don’t affect people’s health, it’s as simple as that. Let’s move on. Let’s get this project moving”.

Debate on the interconnector issue opened when councillors discussed a motion passed by Monaghan County Council demanding that the Taoiseach, Tanaiste and Minister Eamon Ryan tell EirGrid to stop the project.

Independent Cllr Brian Fitzgerald who said he was the first to campaign on the inconnector issue said that EirGrid would have to seek planning permission from each local authority “for every single pylons they intend to erect”. Sinn Fein Cllr Michael Gallager said that people had lost complete faith in EirGrid which had engaged in a campaign of misinformation. “This project will never go ahead. EirGrid was a complete waste of space in theway they handled this project”.

Fine Gael Cllr Gerry O’Connor said that EirGrid could underground cables from Woodlands to Maynooth and he could not understand why they could not go underground for the remainder of the project.

Fianna Fail Cllr Paul McCabe said his party grouping had written to the Taoiseach underling their support for undergrounding of cables. The councillor said there were pylons in the application that were “on top of people’s houses”. Independent Cllr Nick Killian asked what would be done with the motion if it was passed. “We have passed motions here before. I don’t think this project will ever get off the ground”. Fianna Fail Cllr Damien O’Reily said he found Cllr Alan Tobin’s remarks on the issue to be “disgusting”. There were further contributions from Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons (FF), Cllr Eugene Cassidy (FG), Cllr Noel French (FG) and Trevor Golden (Ind).

The councillors agreed to the motion without a vote and decided to write to Minister Eamon Ryan.