Christmas food money saving tips

More people than ever expected to head to the kitchen and cook up Christmas dinner this year. has put together top tips on how to save money on your Christmas food shop.

1) Plan ahead and stock up early: Festive treats start appearing in the shops earlier every year. Jot down your Christmas food wishlist and buy a couple of items every time you shop.

2) Set a budget and stick to it: Track your spending and log what you buy for Christmas. If you’re going to overspend, consider a 0% credit card to cover Christmas but pay it back within the interest-free period.

3) Resist temptation: When the carols are playing, the tinsel’s up and it’s cold outside it’s easy to fall for Christmas multi-buy deals or dubious discounts. Just buy what you need and stay on budget.

4) Use comparison sites: If you’re not a loyal shopper, compares top brands across Ireland’s supermarkets. It’s helpful for finding the cheapest products near you.

5) Use vouchers & coupons: Christmas is a great opportunity to use up your store vouchers and coupons. You still have the same refund rights however you pay.

6) Bake it, don’t buy it: If you have kids, you not only save money home-baking the mince pies, gingerbread men and Yule log - you create magical memories and family traditions to carry down. have come up with lots of savvy ways to save money this Christmas

7) Shop local: Buy your veg and meat from the local greengrocer, butcher or food market to support your local community and small businesses. The quality is better and it may cost you less.

8) Look out for wine deals: Supermarkets always run popular booze offers in the run-up to Christmas. We’ve seen a €10 discount on six bottles of wine or bubbly and 25% off six bottles of wine.

9) Share & share alike: If you’re having family for Christmas dinner ask them to bring the puddings, drinks or starters. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy festivities together while sharing the cost.

Eoin Clarke, Managing Director of comments:

“The Christmas food shop will look a bit different this year. Lots of us are opting for delivery or click and collect services, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get the best price possible. Easy swaps can mean big savings. Rather than reaching for the heavily marketed Christmas branded items, opt for supermarket own versions which often cost a ton less.

“If you're having fewer people around the Christmas table this year only buy what you need. If in doubt, buying frozen is often cheaper and won’t go out of date if you don’t use it in the Christmas period.

“And finally remember, even if you aren’t shopping around like usual try to seek out opportunities to buy from local businesses. Greengrocers, butchers and farmers will appreciate your business much more than the big supermarkets.”