Meath community groups to receive over €91,000 in funding from RTÉ Does Comic Relief

Meath community and voluntary groups are receiving over €91,000 in funding from money raised during RTÉ Does Comic Relief in a major round of grants to support under-pressure lifeline services.

The money is being distributed through The Community Foundation for Ireland which has provided over €60 million to communities during the past 20-years.

The grants include support for young people, services to older people, community services out of family resource centres and many more. A total of 15 grants are going to local groups.

In addition local communities will also benefit from grants provided to national organisations combatting the impact of stroke, cancer as well as those promoting good mental health plus other activities.

Announcing the grants Denise Charlton, Chief Executive of The Community Foundation for Ireland said:

“Today we recognise the groups who have provided protection, support and in many cases a lifeline to people throughout Meath during 2020. The money is the result of the huge generosity of TV viewers, private and corporate donations as well as match funding from Government.

The money is being distributed through The Community Foundation for Ireland which has provided over €60 million to communities during the past 20-years. Photo by Naoise Culhane

All elements of this partnership came together to make this a truly unique event in a time like none of us have had to face before.

The grants will be used by communities in Meath to ensure that over-stretched services can continue through newly purchased technology, both hardware and software and supports to ensure their vital work can be carried out safely. Some projects have been fortunate enough to receive grants for differing areas of their work.”

Deirdre O'Kane, Steering Group, Comic Relief in Ireland, added "It's wonderful to be at the point whereby the funds raised will now have a tangible positive impact on communities, groups and charities across the country. It's been an incredibly tough year for so many and we hope that these funds will now help to ease some of the burden."

Minister of State for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien in welcoming the funding said “the grants allocated through RTE Does Comic Relief have been made possible through the generosity of viewers, and donors, which the Government has also strongly supported. I congratulate the Community Foundation for their immense efforts in administering the funds. The range of organisations and people being supported is vital to assisting communities during these unprecedented times”.