Extension to St Loman’s Cemetery being examined
Meath County Council is examining the possibility of a small extension to St Loman's Cemetery in Trim to facilitate short to medium term burials as capacity in the current cemetery space will be full soon.
From a countywide graveyard capacity study carried out some years ago and the rate of burial since, the council is aware of some impending capacity issues with regard to St Loman's Cemetery and began a search for a replacement cemetery in the greater Trim area.
A number of potential sites were investigated. For various reasons these were deemed unsuitable, mostly to do with poor ground conditions.
However, a site just off the Navan Road looks like being suitable, and the council is following up on the possible acquisition and development of this site as a burial grounds. As the acquisition, planning and development can be quite a lengthy process, the possibility of a small extension to the existing St Loman's Cemetery to cater for more immediate needs is being looked at.
Trim parish, which includes Boardsmill, has also identified a section of the existing graveyard at the top left hand side which can be developed in the short term as well, and is confident at the moment that plans to redevelop a part of the existing cemetery will give sufficient capacity until the new cemetery is fully operational.
A note on the parish bulletin last autumn stated that the parish has been working closely with Meath County Council in relation to the provision of additional burial ground for the local community.
The note stated: "We are very pleased with the confirmation received this week, as follows: 'Meath Co Council continues to actively pursue a new location for graveyard in Trim and the project is included in the council’s capital budget'. This update is reassuring and welcome news."
Meanwhile, work continues on an extension to Dunboyne Cemetery, where extra lands have been acquired behind the current graveyard on the Rooske Road. Soil is being brought into the site to increase the ground levels, as the existing level was unsuitable. The graveyard is almost at capacity, and works are also to be carried out on the front of the cemetery, where space has been left to improve parking and road safety. This will necessitate the removal of the front wall.