Wilkinstown publican pens hilarious song to mark one year of lockdown

A Wilkinstown publican has penned a hilarious song to mark the one-year anniversary of the closure of his pub.

Geoff Cooney proprietor of Tiernan’s of Wilkinstown says he recorded a version of The Slim Dusky hit “A Pub with No Beer” that he changed to “This Covid Year” to put a smile of people’s faces this St Patrick’s Day.

Geoff who has been at the helm of the family business for forty years wanted to do something positive and rewrote the tune along with recording a comical video.

“We thought that we’d put a bit of a spin on all of the negativity. Everyone is moaning and groaning and being down about it and we thought we’d do something to make a sneer of it and put a smile on people’s faces" says Geoff.

“It has taken off and the number of comments we have been getting from everybody on facebook is brilliant, it’s all very positive, they love it and it is giving people a giggle.”

With hilarious lyrics like "Zoom call connections by internet hub cannot compete with a night in the pub, no whiskey or porter, no gossip or cheer, we’re all cracking up during this covid year," the Wilkinstown publican explains how it all came together:

“The original version of “A Pub With No Beer” used to be a party piece of mine, I used to belt out a few bars of it from time to time.

“We were sitting at the kitchen table on Saturday and just threw it out that we should do a version of it for the anniversary of the pubs being closed so myself and my good lady wife Bonnie sat here for an hour or so and we jumbled up the words a little bit and we came out with what ended up in the video then we said sure we’ll make a video out of it and stick it up on Facebook for the sneer.

“My daughters came on board then and they had different ideas and set up the props and arranged the viewing angles.

“Andrew and Callum Quinn from Carnaross helped us out with the video too.

“We did the words on Saturday, did the videos on Sunday and the editing and singing into a microphone was done on Monday.

“A local farmer Paddy Farrelly helped us out and is featured in the video and Doughty’s Mace supermarket gave me the covid signs used in one of the shots.”

Despite Geoff missing out on one of the busiest days of the publican year, he is remaining positive.

“Tomorrow would have been one of the busiest days of the year, you’d have people calling in on he way to the parades or coming back from the parade, it is not to be this year but it is all for the greater good, hopefully we will be back and get to see all of our customers soon.”

Even though the bar trade is on a type of sabbatical, Geoff insists this new found brush with fame will not ignite a new career in show business.

“I think the long tradition of Irish tenors are safe, I’m quite happy to be a one hit wonder,” he said.

This Covid Year

It's lonesome away from our customers all With no bar doors open

And no closing call And there's nothing so lonesome so awful or drear, Than drinking at home

During this covid year.

Now the publican's anxious for reopening to come, The Bar and the Lounge

They are both looking glum,

The bar stools are empty

The shelves are all clear,

It’s a sad situation

During this covid year The Builder rocks up with his dry bricky throat, He pulls up outside

With his hands in his coat, the sign on the door

Makes his grin disappear,

Pubs cannot open

During this covid year

Oh! the farmer is working

His hand to the bone,

All day on the tractor

He’s late going home.

Sure, why should he hurry

The message is clear,

There’s nowhere to go

During this covid year

Zoom call connections by internet hub

Cannot compete with a night in the pub

No whiskey or porter, no gossip or cheer

We’re all cracking up

During this covid year

The vaccines are coming

A cure that will last,

Face masks and distance a thing of the past.

Tiernan’s will open

There’s no need to fear,

Where we’ll all be together

In the pub drinking beer