Drogheda Scoping Report outlines 70 actions to improve safety

A scoping report on safety in Drogheda published by Minister Helen McEntee today, outlines 70 actions to improve community safety and wellbeing in Drogheda

Work is to begin on immediate actions, with a full implementation plan to be published by the end of April

Funding of €150,000 has been secured from Dormant Accounts Fund to contribute to implement the recommendations.

The scoping exercise was carried out by the former Director of the Probation Service, Mr Vivian Geiran and an implementation plan will be developed by the end of next month.

The scoping report makes over 70 recommendations on short and long term responses to challenges the community faces, including around crime prevention, youth services, drug addiction, education, infrastructure, and community development.

The publication of the Drogheda Scoping Exercise and the development of an implementation plan are key actions in Minister McEntee’s Justice Plan 2021.

The Minister said, “Drogheda is the largest town in the state, with a growing and diverse population. This presents the town with great opportunities and we all wish to see Drogheda thrive in the years ahead. However, the town has also faced significant challenges as a result of the actions of those involved in criminal activity including activity linked to organised crime, which have severely affected the feelings of safety and security for members of the local community over recent years.

“This scoping report presents a valuable opportunity to strengthen the Government’s response to criminal activity by a small minority of people in Drogheda, through better coordination of services and cooperation across Government bodies.

“While there has been a concerted effort on the part of An Garda Síochána to bring those engaged in violence to justice, and the report says that the good work by An Garda Síochána in targeting and disrupting activities of those involved at a senior level in the drugs trade should continue, community safety cannot be the sole responsibility of policing activity and this scoping report makes clear that the response in Drogheda can be strengthened through better coordination of services.”

The report identifies a number of service gaps and needs that need to be addressed in the town and makes a number of recommendations regarding addressing crime; drug use and drug addiction; youth and community development; children and young people; education and training; arts and sport; local authority and services; local infrastructure; employment and local development; and ethnic and racial issues.

The Minister added, “As well as publishing the scoping report, my Department has identified some actions for early implementation which can be progressed in line with the finalisation of the implementation plan. This includes providing funding to the Red Door project and the Family Addiction Network.

“Funding of €150,000 has been secured from the Dormant Accounts Fund to contribute to the implementation of recommendations, and my Department will be engaging with those local bodies identified in the report as requiring additional funding as to their precise funding needs. Over the next few weeks engagement will continue with relevant Departments with a view to finalising the implementation plan by the end of April.”

It is anticipated that the €150,000 in urgent funding will be invested in drugs outreach work, counselling, family support, client progression pathways, Court-related and prisoner support and additional harm reduction services.

The Department of Justice will engage with other Government Departments and with local authority and community groups in Drogheda to progress the Moneymore community centre. Early action will also be taken to engage with the Department of Education and Skills on the provision of additional supports to the three schools identified in the report. Engagement has taken place at official level and the Department of Education and Skills is positive about providing additional supports to schools in the area, including those identified in the report.