Headache specialist to give free talk on migraines
Migraine Ireland are delighted to announce that Headache Specialist, GP and Director of the Cork University Hospital Migraine Clinic, Dr. Edward O'Sullivan will be giving a talk on the science behind ‘Medication Overuse Headache’.
Up to 25,000 residents in Co. Meath alone suffer with Migraine.
During this talk, Dr. O'Sullivan will delve into how medication overuse becomes a trap that migraineurs are susceptible to falling into and will look at how to treat ‘Medication Overuse Headache’, as well as how to avoid it.
Dr. O’Sullivan has been the Director of Cork University Hospital’s Migraine Clinic since it was established in the year 2000 and has dedicated his life to the work and studies of debilitating headache disorders. He recently published a research paper on migraine headache presentations in pharmacies which was accepted for the International Headache Society Annual Congress in Boston, US. In addition, it was published in the Irish Medical Journal. He is a key Medical Advisor to the Migraine Association of Ireland.
This event will take place at 18.30pm, 14th of April 2021. Tickets are FREE and available through Migraine Ireland’s website www.migraine.ie on their events page.
Migraine Ireland would like to invite interested participants to send in any questions they may have before hand and they will dedicate time at the end of the talk to answer them.
Migraine Ireland are offering those who live in Co. Meath a 10% discount for the Migraine Association of Ireland Online Membership. Discount code: MAI-MTH1.
This event was made possible by HSE National Lottery Award Scheme Meath and is supported by the scheme to Support National Organisations which is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development.