Muireann Casey with Woody!

Trim students plan headshave fundraiser for cancer charity that helped brave classmate

A kindhearted group of students and their teacher Mr Higgins from St Mary's Convent Primary School in Trim have rallied to together to fundraise for a charity that helps children from Ireland with cancer get the treatment they need that is currently not available in Ireland. One of those children is much-loved classmate Muireann Casey.

The students in room 30 have come up with an idea to raise funds for The Gavin Glynn Foundation to help Muireann and other families in similar situations and want to hit an undisclosed target so they can get to shave their teacher’s head (Mr Higgins) at the last assembly of this year.

Brave Muireann (12) was feeling “generally unwell” for a short period of time before being diagnosed at the end of July 2020. She was attending her GP and just prior to her diagnosis, she visited hospital A&E with dad Enda and mum Clare for two check-ups, X-Rays etc., which didn’t indicate anything. However; within two days of the second A&E visit, Muireann’s mobility suddenly changed and she went to Temple Street. "Our gymnast, camogie and fiddle player was suddenly struggling to walk," said Enda.

Following immediate scans, an emergency operation was scheduled that same evening to prevent the tumor from damaging her spinal cord.

"Thankfully, the operation was a success and we give great thanks to the wonderful team there who came to our aid. Muireann recovered for a few days in Temple Street before being transferred to Crumlin to commence chemotherapy at the start of August 2020.

"After nine chemotherapy sessions and wonderful care for five months by everyone in Crumlin, we were informed at the start of December 2020 that Muireann would be sent to Essen in Germany for Proton Radiation treatment on 27th December 2020 for 10 weeks.

"As we got used to this plan, we were then introduced to the wonderful Gavin Glynn Foundation who basically made all the necessary arrangements for us to get to and stay in Germany for the duration of Muireann’s radiation treatment. It goes without saying, but we do need to actually say it – how absolutely invaluable such help is for anyone who needs it and how easy the Gavin Glynn Foundation has made this journey for us so that Muireann can receive her treatment”.

"We will be forever grateful to John Glynn for his selfless work for families like us attending St. John’s Ward in Crumlin, who need to travel to Germany and other locations abroad for treatment.

"We are so grateful to all at Muireann’s school and our friends who have already raised funds for The Gavin Glynn Foundation on our behalf!

The Gavin Glynn Foundation, based in Bray which is the charity partner of Leinster Rugby has supported the family of Navan boy Nahyan Javed (5), who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that required treatment in the US and will require further treatment.

To support the headshave fundraiser in support of the Gavin Glynn foundation please click here


Navan mum of boy (5) with rare cancer makes plea for help to get treatment in US