A short question for the longest day of the year...How are you?
Three very important words that can connect people, How are you? The 21st June is synonymous worldwide with the Summer Solstice with a worldwide focus on Newgrange.
It is a significant planetary time when the tilt of the earth brings our planet Earth the closest to the sun. By asking “How are you?” anyone of us can tilt the human feeling of closeness.
The solstice is a very precise moment in time for both hemispheres. It is as we know, the longest day in the calendar since the Winter Solstice of 21st December. Our Summer Solstice is that special day of the year when there is the most day light available to humanity. Parallel to these movements of the earth and sun, populations worldwide have grappled with the pandemic in the past fifteen months. Documented evidence is now clearly demonstrating that the combined effect of the pandemic and the necessary public health restriction have impacted on people’s mental health and wellbeing.
With this in mind a number of partnership groups in Meath and Westmeath have come together to promote the Mental Health Ireland Campaign 'How R U?' to encourage the people of both counties to pause, be present and mindful in this special global day to reach out and ask the question on 21st June; "How R U?" Connecting regularly and meaningfully is something everyone can do to make a difference for anyone who might be struggling. It is a caring question that can be asked by anyone at any place or time. All that is required is a listening ear, a little compassion while following the 5 steps provided on our conversation card HELLO. These steps will ensure that both people in the conversation feel supported in the process. This card is free to download on the Hello Meath FB page.
Joanne Donohoe, Mental Health Promotion Manager, Mental Health Ireland, who with the support of Carlow MHA created this initiative and hosted it as annual event since May 2015 said: “It’s great to concentrate this initiative within the county and get communities organisations, workplaces, families behind it. People are very enthusiastic and want to start the conversation about mental health in their community."
The sun is so representative of light, life and renewal, and the 'How R U?' campaign provides a lovely opportunity for each of us to be involved. Sonia Rennicks, Head of Education, Training & e-Mental Health, Mental Health Ireland (www.mentalhealthireladn.ie) along with support with Jennifer Hanratty, Meath Wellness Hub, (Meath Partnership Company), highlighted that the aim of the day is “for us all to connect and check in with family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours, virtually or otherwise by asking 'How R U?'. Sometimes the smallest gesture can make the biggest difference.”
Jennifer Hanratty expressed that Meath Partnership Company is delighted with the rollout of this wonderful campaign in Meath and supported by Meath Wellness Hub, a mental health recovery centre offering free and accessible mental health services under Meath partnership. Further information from jennifer.hanratty@meathpartnership.ie.
"It has indeed been quite a challenging fifteen months that has brought into focus amongst other matters how much we like to feel connected. The 21st June is the longest and brightest day of the year and is a wonderful opportunity while adhering to Covid -19 guidelines to reach out to connect and saying 'Hello, How R U?'"H: Hello E: Engage L: Listen L: Learn O: Offer support. Further information at www.mentalhealthireland.ie/HelloHowRU
Connect Café
Mental Health Ireland is hosting a free secure online How R U Connect Café on Wednesday 23rd June 11.00am to 12.00pm registration details on the FB pages www.facebook.com/HelloMeathHowRU/
It is indeed going to be a great day Monday 21st June as Meath says Hello, How R U? as the sun light rises and illuminates the Newgrange Chamber.