Killian elected vice-president of councillors' body
Ratoath based Councillor Nick Killian has been elected Vice President of the Association of Irish Local Government.
Speaking at the AGM after his election, Cllr Killian said, “As Councillors, we have a long history and involvement in local government, and I have great respect for the contribution of the elected members in our democratic local government system. I will continue to ensure that the voice of the Councillor remains to the forefront on local government issues at all times.”
Cllr. Killian stated “I am delighted to be elected Vice President of the AILG. The AILG acts as a networking, policy development and training resource for the elected members who serve the public in a variety of local government settings ranging from urban to suburban and rural. One of the aims of the AILG is to ensure that the contributions of Ireland's democratically elected councillors are represented in Government Departments and throughout the full range of state agencies. I Am looking forward to working with our new President Cllr Nicholas Crossan from Buncranna in Donegal. Nicholas is also an Independent Councillor on Donegal County Council. This is a first for Independent Councillors with both President and Vice President coming from the Independent Councillors Forum.”