Kells woman who broke Covid restrictions twice is fined

A 31 year-old woman who broke Covid regulations twice last year has been fined at a court hearing.

Emma Corcoran, St Colmcille's Villas, Kells, appeared at Trim District Court charged with breaking the regulations on 22nd April and 17th May 2020. Court presenter Sergeant Tom Mahon said that when Gardai called to defendants house there were non-residents there on both occasions.

On the first occasion she was told that Tusla would be told about the alleged breaches because there were children present. The sergeant said that gardai were abused by defendant on both occasions. Judge Cormac Dunne said the offence was aggravated because of the second breach and imposed fines totalling €1,000.

Two men were sent for trial when they appeared at Trim District Court charged with alleged possession of explosive devices in the centre of Navan in 2018. Thirty-two year-old Jamie Kelly of Stoney Park, Delvin, Co Westmeath was charged with having an explosive device at Fair Green, Navan on 16th December 2018.

Forty-six year-old Declan Walsh of The Steeples. Laurence Road, Chapelizod, Dublin, was charged with having an explosive device at Brews Hill on 17th December 2018. Both were remanded on continuing bail and sent for trial at Trim Circuit Court this week by Judge Cormac Dunne.