Cllr Joe Fox at the new ramps installed in Rathmolyon village.

Two new ramps in Rathmolyon

Two new ramps have been installed on the Trim approach to Rathmolyon village to slow down traffic and stop cars from driving through the junction.

In recent years there have been numerous accidents at the junction where motorists coming from the Trim direction don't realise they have to stop.

Locals have raised safety concerns that a serious accident or fatality would happen at the crossroads if something wasn't done. Local shopkeeper Christy Ryan had highlighted how the stone walls either side of the junction appeared to trick some motorists into thinking that it was a continuous wall and he explained that most accidents happened in daylight.

In recent months there was a spate of accidents prompting fresh calling from locals for action to be taken. Extra signage was put in place and last week, two ramps were installed.

Meath County Council's Road Safety Officer Michael Finnegan said: “We believe these ramps will have the effect of preventing traffic going through the stop sign, which has been happening over the last two years. The ramps, together with appropriate lighting have been installed and we expect that will resolve the problem of traffic driving through the junction.”

He explained that the first ramp is approximately 50m from the junction, with a second one approximately 20m from the junction.

Christy Ryan welcomed the works and said that so far they appeared to be having the desired effect

“The ramps are slowing down traffic and are welcome but the long term solution is a redesign of that junction.”

He is also calling for a footpath to be put in from Church View to the village on the village side and pointed out that residents have to cross the road on a bend to get across to the footpath and then cross again at the junction.