Trim school projects to be ‘bundled’ to speed up delivery
There was good news for three Trim schools on Friday with the announcement that building projects for Boyne Community School, Scoil Mhuire and Gaelscoil na Bóinne will be bundled together to speed up delivery.
The Department of Education has included the three schools in a programme that aims to fast track school building projects by bundling them together, which is being delivered by the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) on behalf of the Department. It includes projects ranging from new builds to extensions/refurbishment projects at both primary and post primary level. Nationally an additional 17 school projects are now being added to the existing list of 20 projects.
The scheme allows contracts to be bundled so that one team can move in and deliver the school projects in a more timely fashion and cut down on the red tape.
The NDFA will commence the process of appointing a project management and design team shortly for the building projects at the three Trim schools which will be progressed together as 'Project Lee'.
Last year the Department of Education confirmed the acquisition of approximately 22 acres of land at Shanlothe, Trim for the location of a new school campus for Scoil Mhuire, which is currently on a very small site with numerous prefabs.
The news will also be welcomed by Boyne Community School which was hugely oversubscribed for the coming academic year with around 30 children on the waiting list when enrolment ended causing huge worry and stress for parents.
However, following consultations with the Department of Education, approval was given for additional accommodation and all remaining children on the list were offered places meaning Boyne Community School will have its largest ever intake of first years with 232 students due to start in the autumn. Gaelscoil na Boinne is currently accommodated in a former factory building on the Dublin Road.
Project managers and design teams will now be appointed to work with the school boards of managements and get the schemes moving.
Senator Shane Cassells welcomed the news stating that it was “much needed given the pressure for capacity that these schools are under.”
“We have seen in the last few months that there are capacity issues with schools in Trim and this can lead to a lot of disappointment for students and their parents,” remarked Senator Cassells.
“I have been working closely with Minister for Education, Norma Foley, to try and make sure that the plans for the schools expansion would be accommodated and it is great to see these three schools in Trim added to the scheme today.
“Hopefully the works can be moved swiftly so that students coming through will be able to benefit as quickly as possible.”
Cllr Aisling Dempsey said she was thrilled with the news and she hoped the project would progress with urgency to avoid a report of the worry experienced by parents and students due ot oversubsription at Boyne Community School.
"As a former pupil of Scoil Mhuire I know the new campus will just further enhance the schools excellent offering. However, I accept the concerns expressed that we have no second option for boys at second level.
"I’m disappointed Educate Together have not been granted their permanent home yet. I will continue to petition the Department on this. St Mary’s NS has been let fall to wrack and ruin. I will try to ensure the Scoil Mhuire building does not go the same way, when it’s obvious this announcement, while welcome, doesn’t address all of the education needs."