Can you put your stamp on Bloom with a Postcard Garden?

Bord Bia has announced that Ireland’s favourite gardening and lifestyle festival, Bord Bia Bloom, is returning to the Phoenix Park, Dublin, from 2nd to 6th June. In its 16th year, the festival returns to a physical event following two successful virtual #BloomAtHome events.

Entries are now open to gardening and community groups from all over Meath to apply for the popular Postcard Gardens category at Bloom. The Postcard Gardens are small but perfectly formed 3m x 2m plots that can be used to represent a club, locality, or special person from a community.

Gardening clubs, community groups, schools and resource centres can all apply to enter a Postcard Garden and each year a wide range of themes, including mental health, climate change and children’s literature to name a few, are brought to life through the use of plants, creative design and woodwork.

Kerrie Gardiner, Bord Bia Bloom Show Garden Manager said: "The Postcard Gardens are a personal favourite of mine. They offer aspiring gardening groups who may have honed their skills during lockdown a chance to demonstrate their talents, while also inspiring the public to get involved and experience the many benefits of gardening".

For more information on the Postcard Gardens and to download an application form, visit The closing date for applications is 2nd March.

Early Bird Tickets on sale until 27th March.