Boyne Road homes plan overturned

An Board Pleanala has overturned Meath County Council’s granting of planning permission for 92 homes at Boyne Road, Athlumney, Navan.

Andrews Construction was granted planning permission in February 2021 for the development on a site of 2.58 hectares but this decision was appealed to an Bord Pleanala.

The planning application sought permission for the demolition of an existing single storey house and the construction of 91 residential units and a creche. The homes consisted of two storey houses and three storey apartment/duplex units. The number of units was increased to 92 when further information was submitted.

Meath County Council granted permission for the development subject to conditions and this decision was appealed to an Board Pleanala which has refused planning. In making its decision, the Board noted that the development included land regrading works immediately adjacent to the Ferganstown and Ballymacon Stream, which were intended to provide compensatory flood storage.

It stated that insufficient information was provided on this part of the application in relation to the proposed works.and the board was therefore not satisfied on the basis of the information submitted with the application, that the proposed development would individually or in combination with other plans and projects would not adversely affect the integrity of European sites including the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation and the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Protection Area and that in “such circumstances, the board is precluded from granting approval/permission”.