Request for extra public lighting in Bohermeen ‘logged’

The need for additional public lighting in Bohermeen and the upgrading of the existing light were highlighted by Cllr Yemi Adenuga at a meeting of Navan Municipal Council last week.

She said that crossing the road near the community centre was extremely dangerous because of speeding traffic and poor lighting meant that cars had difficulty seeing children waiting to cross,

Cllr Adenuga called on the council to upgrade the old public lighting outside the Bohermeen school and to extend the public lighting to the community centre in Bohermeen.

“I saw seven cars speeding by the school in just 30 minutes. We need upgraded and new lights in order to ensure the safety of children walking to and from the school and the community centre especially in the winter months and to facilitate drivers' visibility at night.”

She was told Meath County Council are engaged in a Regional Programme (with eight other counties) to upgrade all existing street lighting to LED.

This contract will commence in 2022 and is a 30 month programme for the region. This will ensure all 19,000 street lights in the county are LED, including the existing lighting at Bohermeen. In relation to the request for additional lights at Bohermeen, the scheme has been logged and added to the list of potential future capital public lighting schemes.

Cllr Eddie Fennessy supported Cllr Adenuga's call.

“The road is densely populated and many residents walk to and from the community centre, school and church. It is particularly dangerous during dark winter months.

“I've been informed that there is a distance of 1.4 miles between the community centre and the school/church and it would take the installation of 40 units to provide adequate lighting along that stretch of road.

"The upper cost of installing a public lighting unit is €7,000 giving a total cost to the project of €280,000.

“The council's priority at the moment in terms of public lighting is a multi million euro LED upgrade of existing lighting stock. Those works will take up to 30 months to complete.

"A roll out of public lighting in the area has been added to the Capital Public Lighting Scheme and will be looked at when the LED upgrade has been completed.

"I thank the council for including Bohermeen on that list.”