Friends meet up with memories rekindled at St Oliver’s NS reunion
A pandemic belated 45th anniversary school reunion took place at St Oliver Plunkett Primary School in Blackcastle, Navan on 4th June last.
Following a welcoming address by the current principal, Catherine Keane-Faulkner, Fr Michael and Fr Joe McGrath, both past pupils, and Fr Noel Weir, school chaplain, concelebrated Mass in St Oliver's Church. Attendees included many past and present pupils, parents and staff and included two former principals, John Howard and John Hand. The school choir led by Nigel Ryan and Ger Lynch, was accompanied by beautiful singing provided by former parent, Rosemary Hussey and former pupil, Serena O'Brien. The late Ita Collins,one of the original staff, was remembered at the Mass, as was Fr MV Daly, who was the driving force behind completion and timely opening of the school in 1975.
Mass was followed by a reception in the school hall and a stroll through the classrooms and corridors for a walk down memory lane. Corridors were lined with photographs from 1975 to present day and included Communion, Confirmation and class photos as well as photos of many sporting and other successes. The roll books on display proved to be a very popular source of interest for all, as people sought their own names as well as those of their former classmates. Promethean Boards in all classrooms streamed a constant supply of X Factor, school musicals, dancing competitions and sporting games through the ages and this provided much entertainment for all as they rekindled memories.
Throughout the day, visitors came and went, enjoying meeting old pals with one arriving from London at last minute having been delayed at airport! They compared recollections of years past and complimented each other on how they had hardly changed at all, and many photographs were taken. Ms Keane-Faulkner thanked all staff, parents and pupils who worked so hard in preparation for, as well on the day, to ensure that the day would be a resounding success. It is hoped that this successful event will be repeated in future years to celebrate the wonderful links between St Oliver Plunkett School with the local community.