650-acre solar farm plan approval
An Bord Pleanala has given the green light Kilrue Solar Park Limited for a 650-acre solar farm development in the Kilbride area.
Last October, Meath County Council granted permission for the development on lands at Kilrue, Fleenstown Great, Peacockstown and Harlockstown townlands, Kilbride, and this decision was subsequently appealed to an Bord Pleanala with two third party appeals lodged.
The application sought a 10-year planning permission for the construction of the solar farm and a 40-year operation as well as the subsequent decommissioning of the development. A Natura Impact Statement was submitted with the application.
After considering the appeal, An Bord Pleanala gave the go-ahead for the project ruling the proposed development "would support national and regional renewable energy policy objectives, would not conflict with the provisions of the development plan, would not seriously injure the landscape character or the visual amenities of the area, would not adversely affect the archaeological or natural heritage, would not lead to an increased risk of flooding within the site or on adjoining lands, would not seriously injure the residential amenity of nearby dwellings, would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area".
One of the conditions is that the solar farm be operational for a period of 35 years and for the solar array and structure to be removed unless permission is granted for their retention for a further period. The applicant must also submit a detailed restoration plan including a timescale for its implementation to the local authority prior to the commencement of the development.