Works to begin on east coast water mains
A MAJOR project to upgrade the water network in the Donacarney area begins this week which will involve the upgrade of almost 250m of water main.
According to Irish Water, delivery of this essential upgrade will support future economic growth and development, facilitating new housing development for the area.
It will also improve the capacity and performance of the existing water network, providing additional capacity within the network for new development, and forms part of the greater capital investment project for Meath.
This project is being delivered by Farrans Construction on behalf of Irish Water.
Works will take place along the R150 from the junction at Maydenhayes Road to the junction at Colpe East Road, with works expected to be completed by mid-November.
Temporary lane/road closures will be necessary during the works. Works will take place each day from 10am – 4pm and from 7pm – 6am.
A phased approach will be taken, and Irish Water says areas of work will be limited to short sections to limit the impact on the local community.
Where works are along the public road, traffic management will be in place in the form of a stop/go traffic light system and diversions. Local and emergency traffic will be maintained. Where potential road closures are required, Irish Water says it will ensure communication is provided locally.