Free parking at key school times in Paddy O'Brien Park.

Free parking at school drop off and collection times

Parents in Navan will get a reminder that a ‘Park and Stride’ initiative is in place in the centre of the town to alleviate congestion problems at school gates.

Parents can avail of free parking at Navan O'Mahony's car park at peak school drop off and pick up times.

A meeting of Navan Town Council heard last week that the council had initiated the Park and Stride Scheme for schools in the town centre.

The Mayor, Cllr Eddie Fennessy had proposed the executive include a 'Park and Stride' scheme to alleviate congestion problems at school gates across the town in light of the upcoming Parking Bye-law Review in Navan.

"During a community safety meeting with the residents of St Benildus Villas Estate recently, congestion and illegal parking problems during drop off and pick up times was raised as an issue of concern," he said.

He was told the council had already introduced the scheme to reduce congestion at the Mercy School, Leighsbrook and St Anne’s Primary School, Fairgreen. The schools promoted this information on their web pages for parents and the council's parking department staff distributed leaflets to all parents at the schools on school opening days. The arrangement is parents can park free for 30 minutes in O'Mahony’s Car Park Brews Hill at school opening and closing time and walk to the school gates. Signs are erected in O'Mahony’s Car Park.

Cllr Fennessy said he was delighted to hear the council has such an initiative in place.

“The schools I had in mind when I submitted the motion are those mentioned, particularly the Mercy Convent. I ask the council to engage in a fresh publicity campaign and to leaflet the schools once again. Parent's I spoke with over recent weeks are not aware of the free parking available during peak school times,” he said

Director of Services, Martin Murray, said the council had been proactive on this. “If we think the message hasn't gone out, we’ll repeat it,” he said.