The proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing derelict properties at no 42, 43 and 44 Brews Hill, two dwellings and one out building that are on site presently.

Plans to transform three derelict buildings into apartment blocks

Demolition of Brews Hill properties to allow for ‘prime example of regeneration’

A NEW housing development proposed for Brews Hill is "a prime example of regeneration" according to sentiments shared by local councillors at a recent Navan Municipal meeting.

The project in the town centre will transform three derelict buildings into two blocks of 12 apartments with a shared communal space that will comprise of a landscaped courtyard which will be accessible and open to all tenants to help promote social interaction.

The proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing derelict properties at no 42, 43 and 44 Brews Hill, two dwellings and one out building that are on site presently.

The project will comprise of six one-bedroom apartments and six first and second floor duplex apartments in two blocks, one on front looking onto Brews Hill and one that will front on to Emmet Terrace. The housing department has proposed to provide 12 car parking spaces and 13 bicycle spaces to serve the development.

Plans are for the majority of parking to be provided at Emmet Street with some on street parking provided at Brews Hill.

The council meeting was told that it would be a three story property but will have effect of two story building and would sit in very well with what is in the area already.

Prior to the demolition works, an archaeological assessment of the site will be carried out a council official stated.

It was confirmed to the meeting that there would be additional lighting installed for access at the back of Emmet Terrace and that the communal space area would be secure and gated and not accessible to the public.

It was noted that there were a number of objections to the development from residents in Emmet Terrace who had concerns about traffic volumes.

The council said that pending permission from the department of housing in the new year it is hoped the project could be brought forward for tender and to construction stage in 2023.

Fianna Fail Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons welcomed the proposal saying: "This is exactly the type of scheme we want to encourage if you look at what's there already in terms of dereliction and what we are actually proposing, it's a perfect scheme to enhance Brews Hill and will be the start of a mini regeneration in that area."

The Mayor of Navan and Cllr Eddie Fennessy also saw it as a positive for the town but was aware of local concerns. He added: "Most of the pressure on housing lists is concentrated on the one and two bed lists. This scheme will provide security of tenure to twelve households. Stability is what we most yearn for in life, these properties will certainly provide that for whoever the lucky tenants are.

"I note the objections to the development and the names of those who lodged them. All of them live on the Emmett Terrace estate. Their primary concern is traffic safety and volume.

“Emmett Terrace is a quiet residential area with a diverse mix of demographics from young children to elderly residents many of whom have mobility issues.”

Fine Gael Cllr Yemi Adenuga said it was "a brilliant use of space." She made the point that the two dwellings currently there would now house 12 families and the one bedroom apartments on ground floor would accommodate those with mobility issues or the elderly.