Eddie Maguire

A New Year's message from Eddie Maguire

Former Meath, Carlow and Mayo footballer the legendary Eddie Maguire, who lives outside Navan wishes to extend a happy New Year to one and all. Eddie is a very active and successful golfer and is a leading member of the Irish Blind Golf organisation.

I would like to extend our thanks to all the friends of IBG-the countless number of people who extended a helping hand to us during the past year.

This is a time of year when love,friendship and companionship are greatly appreciated so I would also like to extend our best wishes and the hand of friendship to the blind golf community in other parts of the world.

A playing colleague of mine from long ago,Joe McGrath often referred to "the friendship of friends" as being the most powerful thing in any community and it is in this spirit that I share with you again a tiny little poem of mine from a couple of years ago.


As I listen to the haunting sound,

Of the waves near Inniskee;

I'd like to be the kind of friend,

That you have been to me.

That faithful friend that you may find,

If you look inside your heart;

And realize that each new year,

Brings the chance of a brand new start.

I'd like to be the kind of friend,

That never questions why;

But loves you just the way you are,

With a love that money can't buy.

Slán agus beannacht to all of you and best wishes also for 2023.

Ed Maguire

Chair IBG(Irish Blind Golf)