Concerns over speeding outside Navan cemetery

Meath County Council will review traffic, speed limits and lighting at St Mary's cemetery car park in Navan with a view to installing traffic calming measures.

At a meeting of Navan Municipal Council, Cllr Francis Deane called on the council to install a traffic calming ramp in addition to a pedestrian crossing at the carpark, so it can be linked to the footpath leading to Glenveigh Housing Estate on the Boyne Road. Cllr Emer Tóibín seconded the motion. Cllr Deane said: "There are a lot of issues there with traffic and speeding,"

Cllr Tóibín said she had a lot of people contact here about speeding on that road.

Councillors were told Meath Co Council would need to undertake a full review of the site regarding access, visibility, lighting and speed limits before a decision could be made on the requirement of a pedestrian crossing or traffic calming measures.

A further update can be provided when the review is complete.