Remedial works in Navan estate to start in New Year

A programme of work in St Mary's Park in Navan, which will include footpath repairs, upgrading of a laneway and additional parking bays will begin next Spring a meeting of Navan Municipal Council heard last week.

Cllr Eddie Fennessy had called for the work on the footpaths, parking bays and lane to be carried out as well as for the provision of a speed ramp at Slane Road entrance.

He was told that footpath repairs will be completed in both St Mary’s Estate and on the lane at the back of the national school, starting in in Spring of 2023. Resurfacing of the existing parking bays will be completed with the footpath works and extra parking spacing will be considered during the construction of the footpath

He was told Meath County Council proposes to carry out a survey to ascertain the extent of speeding and assess driver behaviour in the area. Any traffic management measures deemed necessary by the Transportation Section willthen be put forward for consideration in a future programme of works.

Cllr Fennessy thanked the council for the positive response. "A springtime commencement is welcomed, so too is the level of investment and works planned for the estate. The residents will be thankful for it.

"I'm particularly pleased to see the development of the lane way between St Mary's Park and St Oliver's NS included on this scheme. It's a project I've lobbied for over the past few years and it's great to have a start date in sight.

"The area has heavy footfall, it is used by school children, the neighbouring soccer club, OMP United, local residents and cyclists.

"A full upgrade of the laneway that included public lighting, a footpath and cycle infrastructure was mentioned during previous discussions. I hope that's what's proposed because it will make the area much safer, particularly during dark winter nights.

"There's a huge community benefit to this investment, it makes good use of public funding and I commend the council for approving the project."

Cllr Fennessy also asked the Executive to include the remaining section of laneway on the St Brigid's Villas Estate when compiling the Schedule of Municipal District Works, on the Housing Estates Remedial Work List.

He was told the Council have St Brigid’s Villas on the Three Year programme of works for Housing Estates and the remaining section of back lanes will be maintained during these works.

St Brigid's Villas:

"I thank the council for works carried out on the estate recently. They were finished to a high standard and the residents are delighted.

"They'll be equally as happy to hear there are plans in place to finish the last section of lane way on the estate. It's been inaccessible for a number of years which prevented its use for fuel deliveries and garbage collections.

"What pleases the local residents most of all is their inclusion on the three year roads programme. When those works have completed, all of the road surfaces on the estate will have been replaced at a considerable expense. They are very thankful indeed."