Various motions for upcoming North East Football League Annual General Meeting
The North East Football League AGM will take place at the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan on Wednesday 25th January.
The put forward by various clubs and outgoing committee members are:
1. In a situation where there are two leagues within a division ( ie Div 3a and 3b last year and 4a and 4b the previous year ) could the divisional playoff be scrapped and a league title awarded to the winners of the respective division.
Proposed By: Trim Celtic.
2. In the event of no summer breaks, clubs should have 2/3 options (depending on circumstances) game days to take off based on notice and this is normally for Weddings / Funerals / Fundraisers etc.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
3. Bereavements - not calling games off for outside extended family members etc, Maybe insist on a minute's silence at games. Unless a funeral will cause disturbance to towns/villages with traffic/parking etc.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
4. During hot weather times, games should go ahead unless extreme hot conditions where FAI/LFA direct blanket call off of all games and add more water breaks throughout the match, during these conditions. (Used this during Covid)
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
5. Under no circumstances will games be called off for Covid related incidents, we are now living with Covid. Game will be forfeited by the team/club - no further punishment required.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
6. Cup / Shield Finals - If a proposed venue for Final other than MDL grounds is cancelled on weather conditions, the Final shall revert back to the MDL grounds in Navan to ensure games go ahead on time.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
7. Add 6 A - All divisions carry a promotion and relegation status, and where some divisions are regionalised the same applies.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd.
8. Any club wishing to enter the league who wasn't in the previous season should have to pay 2 years registration in advance of being accepted. This should help counter teams just appearing and disappearing within a season.
Proposed By: Rossin Rovers.
9. Any cancellations due to weather warnings issued by Met Eireann should where possible be made the night before the fixture at the latest. The postponement should be made due to the warning and not left to individuals or clubs to make the call themselves. It isn't whether a pitch is playable but the safety of the journey to and from the fixture also
Proposed By: Rossin Rovers.
10. NEFL committee - No current managers in men or women’s leagues should sit on Nefl men or women’s committee.
Proposed By: Rossin Rovers.
11. Any NEFL fixture over 70kms in one direction should be played on a Saturday or Sunday only including women’s division.
Proposed By: Rossin Rovers.
12. The NEFL men’s and women’s committee merge as 1 committee and follow all NEFL rules as 1.
Proposed By: Rossin Rovers.
(Incorporating Mid Meath League 1980—1983; Meath & District League 1983—2014)
Virtually via Microsoft teams TUESDAY 08 February 2022 7.30pm.
1. Chairman’s Address
2. Minutes from last Year’s AGM
Proposed By: Bailieboro Celtic Seconded by: Carrick Rovers
3. Annual Reports:
General Secretary,
Proposed By: Bohermeen Celtic Seconded by: Albion Rovers
Fixtures Secretary,
Proposed By: Parkvilla Seconded by: Glenmuir
Proposed By: BJD Celtic Seconded by: Robinstown
Women’s Division
Proposed By: Park Celtic Summerhill Seconded by: Bohermeen Celtic
4. Financial Reports: Presentation of end of year final accounts:
In brief following a refinancing arrangement with Ulster Bank in 2017 to compress all then existing loans into one, the main purpose if which was to end each year with a minimum surplus of €30,000 to cover purchasing of equipment, small type development, and/or build up funds for future larger developments, etc. It has proven to have reached that target in the past few years, and thankfully despite the unprecedented COVID issues 2021 was no exception with just over €22,000 being spent on equipment and development, plus a fund build up of €25,500. It must be stated in order to reach this target we were granted a COVID relief amount from the FAI/Sports Council of €13,000 plus the Ulster Bank suspended loan repayments for a period of six months totalling €18,000.
However given the likely one off nature of those two assisted amounts .We should be in a position to offset most of the €31,000 by virtue of (hopefully) having the facility to secure pitch rental availability for twelve months during 2022 (Closed for first four months during 2021). Although as mentioned Ulster Bank suspended loan repayments for six months, which of course led to interest build up during this period. However the activated six month repayment period managed to clear the outstanding interest amount, and also reduced the outstanding capital balance due by €10,000
Proposed By: Bailieboro Seconded by: Abbey Celtic
5. Motions submitted from various Clubs and associates
1. Should a team withdraw from the league and fail to complete 75% of full league fixtures, all results associated with this club are void with league table adjusted accordingly.
Proposed By: Athboy Celtic Seconded by: Motion withdrawn For: Against:
2. For clubs with two teams (firsts and reserves): Both of these sides must remain in separate Shield competitions.
Proposed By: Athboy Celtic Seconded by: Slane Wdrs For: 14 Against: 19 Motion not passed
3. Regrading requests from teams: Before a decision is made by NEFL, a squad list must be provided along with the request, quoting the level of football played by each player in 2021. This will assist NEFL in deliberation of the regrading decision.
Proposed By: Athboy Celtic Seconded by: Fordrew Rovers For: 6 Against: 25 Motion not passed
4. In the interests of the safety of underage players, it is proposed that the minimum age for players, playing Senior Ladies football within the NEFL is set at 15 on the 31st December of the prior year
Proposed By: NEFL Women’s Committee Seconded by: Castle Villa For: 22 Against: 1 Motion passed
5. (D) Requirements for the annual General meeting.
Add 4 A - All clubs who paid full affiliation fees to have full voting rights whether they completed the full season or were suspended by the league for 1st team failing to field twice.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd Seconded by: BJD Celtic For: 23 Against: 9 Motion passed
6. Add 5 A - The venue of the AGM can be held online or in person, if health restrictions are in place.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd Seconded by: Athboy Celtic For: 8 Against: 14 Motion not passed
7. (H) Competitions Add 1 A - All Cup & Shield draws should be open and transparent, and done live stream, videoed or with a neutral present.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd Seconded by: Bay FC For: 5 Against: 23 Motion not passed
8. (I) GENERAL Add 2 A - Any team who has a game called off late by league due to a request for a date free by the opposing club, is entitled to request a copy of said email requesting match off at least 14 days prior.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd Seconded by: No Seconder For: Against:
9. Add 6 A - All divisions carry a promotion and relegation status, and where some divisions are regionalised the same applies.
Proposed By: Oldcastle Utd Seconded by: No Seconder For: Against:
Foot note from NEFL. - Motion No 9 would not appear to be a proposal for change as the following applied for 2021 season, and was advised in advance to all competing clubs prior to the start of the 2021 season. * see below (As season progressed it was declared second highest placed teams in both groups of division 3 were liable for promotion the same as prior declared for the two groups within division 4)
Division 2/Division 3:
Bottom two teams in division 2 liable for relegation. Top team in both division three groups liable
for promotion, and qualify for a title play off at a neutral venue. Third from bottom in division 2
shall go into a three way promotion/relegation play off with second highest placed team in both
div 3 groups. Top team from round robin play off e.g A v B, B v C, & C V A are liable for division 2
status. In the event of two teams level on points head to head results to apply in the first instance,
followed by goal difference, and goals scored. If inseperable at that point further play offs to apply.
Division 3/Division 4:
In Division 3 Bottom two teams in group A and group B liable for relegation. Two highest placed
teams in group A and group B division four liable for promotion. Highest placed team in group A in
division 4 shall play the highest placed team in group B in a League title play off at a neutral venue.
6. Requirements for the new Season
FIRST TEAM : €400.00 includes LFA affiliation of €35
SECOND TEAM : €300.00.includes LFA affiliation of €35
PLAYER REGISTRATION: €5 * Must be submitted through FAI.Net. NEFL liable for fees of €2 for each player signed.
A condition of affiliation being acceptable is that each Club are aware of the FAI rule regarding PL Insurance cover, and reference to cover in this manner should be made.
All application forms must be returned by 28th February 2022.
Application forms for existing Clubs must be submitted by E mail. Forms in the shape of last season’s details within the full club directory file will be sent to each affiliated Club, and any necessary alterations to same should be made prior to submission in each instance
Note--If applying for a division other than where 2021 final league placing would determine. Extra details to substantiate the reasons for such a decision should also be submitted. The final placing of all teams for the new season shall be determined by circumstances at the appropriate time. An application for inclusion in this manner shall be no guarantee of acceptance as requested. update –
The FAInet team will be carrying out two Webinar’s in the coming weeks for any Calendar Season Club/League to join in!
Please register to either of the webinars that suit you, both Webinars are scheduled for a 7pm Start.
Webinar 1 - Tuesday 15th February Webinar 2 – Thursday 24th February
Both Webinars will have the same roll out. The link to register has been sent out to each Club Secretary via e mail.
FAI Referee Assessor David Murphy will speak on behalf of a drive for recruitment of new Referees
The 2022 season opening fixture proposals for both Shields are as follows -
Kilmessan Shield: comprising Premier, Div 1 and Div 2 teams in groups of mainly three teams and where necessary groups of four
O’Neill Shield: comprising Div 3 and 4 teams in groups of mainly three teams and where necessary groups of four
Week ending Sunday 13 March - Opening round group fixtures in both shields - A v B (all groups), plus C v D for four team groups.
Week ending Sunday 20 March - Second round group fixtures in both shields - C v A or B v C depending on whichever is losing team in opening round of fixtures (all groups). If a draw C v A. plus C v A and B v D for four team groups.
Week ending Sunday 27 March - Third round group fixtures in both shields - C v A or B v C depending on whichever was already scheduled in second round of fixtures (all groups). plus B v C and D v A for four team groups.
Week ending Sunday 03 April - League kick off for all divisions
7. Nominations & elections for 2022 Committee
Reminder of rules governing the election of a working Committee –
1. Nominations for Executive Committee must be sent in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the AGM
2 Nominations be accepted from the floor if committee is not filled. The Committee may at their discretion appoint personnel for any position that they so desire.
3. Each club is entitled to have two representatives present, but will only be entitled to one vote on any issues raised that require voting on.
2. The Executive Committee at their first meeting shall elect a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, representatives to FAI and LFA in accordance with the rules of each association, and various other appointments as deemed necessary.
Outgoing Committee: Chairman: David Tully; General Secretary/Treasurer: Gerry Gorman; Vice Chairman: John Gorman; Registrar: Damien Smith; PRO: Tommy Melia; Womens Co-ordinator: Paddy Mulreid; Executive Members: Brian McCreary, Derek Coogan, Eugene Lynch, Stephen Mc Cabe, Danny Doyle, Mark McGuinness, Steve Laverty, and Damien Clarke
The following members have declared their intention to stand down from their current positions, and not make themselves available for any other roles. Registrar: Damien Smith, Executive Committee: Brian McCreary, Mark McGuinness, and Stephen McCabe.
To elect the various sitting members who have made themselves available for Committee membership
Proposed By: Navan Town Cosmos Seconded by: Robinstown
The following have been nominated for the Committee, or have expressed an interest in joining.
Ger Lynch unattached; Conrad Clinton Ardee Celtic; Yvonne Brady Women’s Committee; Pat Matthews Kells Celtic Youths & John Campbell Abbey Celtic
Proposed By: Carrick Rovers Seconded by: Bohermeen Celtic
8. Any other Business
Eamonn Cusack raised the issue regarding the change over period to fixture day change to Thursday/Friday from Saturday/Sunday.
Kevin Weldon Electro Celtic wished Declan Jordan the best of luck.
Brendan Weldon Newtown complained about fixtures not being on designated nights last season
The minute rule adopted by the NEFL on 23 Nov 2021 to bring the then automatic portion of a match suspension into line with FAI rule regulation 38 was noted, and shall be inserted into the NEFL rulebook.