Pop up vaccine centre operating in Ashbourne this weekend

A HSE pop-up vaccination centre will operate at Ashbourne Old Health Centre on Saturday 21st January from 11:00 am– 4:45pm

The vaccination clinic will be for people over the age of 12 years. Vaccinations will be provided to those requiring Dose 1, Dose 2, and where eligible and meeting the criteria, those identified for Booster 1 & 2 vaccinations. The vaccine on offer will be Pfizer.

Health Care Workers are eligible to attend also but are asked to please bring photo ID / letter from employer.

The aim is to maximise vaccine uptake in those who have not yet availed of, or, require Covid 19 vaccination/booster.

Maura Coyle Meade, Operations Manager Simonstown Community Vaccination Centre, which is providing the clinic, said: “Our aim is to provide an accessible site for any persons 12 years and older who have not yet received a vaccination/booster/second vaccination to attend our pop-up clinic to avail of a vaccine. We have made great progress with our community vaccination programme throughout Midlands Louth Meath CHO and we want to build on these gains and ensure as many people as possible avail of the vaccine.”

Those wanting to attend can walk in on the day or book an appointment online:
