25-hectare solar farm green light for Ashbourne
An Bord Pleanala has given the go-ahead after considering appeal
Plans for a solar farm development between Ratoath and Ashbourne have been approved by an Bord Pleanala following an appeal.
Solar Farmers Ltd, part of Energia group, had been granted planning permission by Meath County Council last February for a solar PV energy development with a total site area of 23.58 hectares at the townland of Ballybin, (Kilbrew ED), Ashbourne. This decision was subsequently appealed by Eco Advocacy to An Bord Pleanala.
The proposed development includes solar panels mounted on steel support structures, associated cabling and ducting, five MV Power Stations, one client substation, one temporary construction compound, access tracks, hardstanding area, boundary security fencing and security gates, CCTV, landscaping and ancillary works.
A previous proposal for a solar farm development on the site was refused permission by the council in August 2021 due to a lack of stopping sightlines for traffic approaching the site entrance from the north-east, which the council felt would create a traffic hazard.
A new application was submitted on 30th September 2021. The application proposed that the development would connect to the local electricity network and would generate enough renewable electricity to meet the annual energy needs of around 3,500 Irish households every year.
The granting of planning permission by Meath County Council for the development was appealed to An Bord Pleanala who has now given the green light after considering the appeal.
The board considered that subject to compliance with the conditions, the proposed development would be in accordance with the European, national, and regional renewable energy policies, the Meath County Development Plan, and the aims of the Climate Action Plan 2021, that it would not seriously injure the visual or residential amenities of the area .
ABP also believed the development would not have a significant adverse affect on any European site or ecology, or lead to an increased risk of flooding within the site or adjoining lands,
A ten-year planning permission has been granted with an operational period of 35 years for the solar farm following commissioning. As part of the conditions, the solar arrays and foundations and all equipment must be dismantled and removed within three months of decommissioning.
A construction managment plan must be submitted and agreed with the council before the development commences.