SUSI grant numbers in decline

The number of Meath third level students who qualified for a SUSI grant has fallen with 2,553 in 2022/23 in comparison to 3,024 (2018/19).

The decline is detailed in figures released by the Department for Education.

Under the terms of the scheme, grant assistance is awarded to students attending an approved course in an approved institution who meet the prescribed conditions of funding, including those relating to nationality, residency, previous academic attainment and means.

The scheme is demand led and, as such, the numbers applying each year can change for reasons such as demographics and employment rates.

The number of Cavan third level students who qualified has also fallen by almost a quarter in five years.

Only 1,290 students qualified in 2022/23 compared to 1,690 in 2018/19, a fall of almost 24 per cent.

The department cautions that data for current academic year 2022/23 is “likely to change” as processing is “ongoing”.

There was been an almost 18 per cent drop in the number of students who qualified for the grant in 2022/23 (1,091) compared to 2018/19 (1,327).

The total number of students in receipt of the grant in Ireland 2022/23 to date is 65,114, a fall of more than 18 per cent (79,797) five years ago.