gay pride

Week-long Pride Fest for Navan

A WEEK long Pride Festival, which will include a parade and many other events will take place in Navan this year, starting on 26th June.

The festival has received the backing of Meath County Council, who will place Pride flags at Buvinda House and the Town Hall in Navan and also throughout the county at all the civic buildings in each municipal area.

At last week's meeting of Navan Municipal Council, Cllr Eddie Fennessy asked for the council's support for the festival by placing the flags around the town. He had also asked for the light show at the Solstice and the River Boyne, similar to what happened at Christmas, but was told that projection is not advised in the months of June/July due to the many hours of daylight resulting in the images not being clear or evident.

Cllr Fennessy thanked the council for their support. "The placing of rainbow flags at strategic locations throughout the town will be of huge benefit to the festival.

"From a personal perspective, I'm really looking forward to the Navan Pride event. It will take place over the course of a week in June and there'll be something for everyone to enjoy. Movie screenings, a quiz night, a parade and a music event will certainly bring a bit of welcome flair to Navan.

"I commend the organising committee, headed up by Paddy Lawlor and Claire Nugent. They deserve much credit for bringing the event to Navan. It will definitely be a highlight of the summer period."

Paddy Lawlor says that a number of events have already been planned and there will be a parade although details are not finalised.

"The Solstice Arts Centre have come on board and will be screening LGBTI+ films, The Central is hosting drag bingo and Loughran's are holding a Navan Pride Speed Quizzing Night.

"We also plan to have a music gig."

He recalled that there was a small Pride gathering in Navan last year, but they hope to have a big celebration this year.

"We started planning in January and we have a committee in pace.

"We would like to thank Cllr Eddie Fennessy and the council for supporting us."

Mr Lawlor said that anyone who would like to get involve should contact them at