St Declan’s NS, Ashbourne win communication award

St Declan’s National School in Ashbourne has won the first ‘Gradam Ceannródaithe Cumarsáide’ monthly award to recognise people in the community who are actively working to create accessible communication environments in Meath

Students and teachers at St Declan’s school learned Lámh, a manual sign system used by many adults and children in Ireland, in order to create an inclusive environment for all students.

‘Gradam Ceannródaithe Cumarsáide’ is the brainchild of the HSE’s Meath Speech and Language Therapy Department. The monthly award recognises people and organisations in the community who are actively working to make our communities accessible to all.

Communication comes in many forms. This may include talking, signed languages, manual sign systems, picture systems, and much more. Regardless of the type of communication, everyone deserves to be heard.

This award is for people in Meath who are breaking down barriers for people who communicate in different ways. This may include learning about different communication systems, changing environments to be more accessible, and/or sharing their knowledge to encourage acceptance, understanding, patience and support.

To nominate a person or a group: Tag @meathslt on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) or contact your local Speech and Language Therapist

Award recipients will be selected by the Speech and Language Therapy team and announced on our social media at the end of every month. Award winners will receive a certificate recognising their achievement.