Eoin O'Sullivan pictured last year showing the area that was earmarked for the solar farm

300-acre solar farm refused planning permission

Plans for a 300-acre solar farm in the Ardcath area that drew huge opposition locally due to the elevation of the proposed site have been refused planning permission by Meath County Council.

Obton Limited lodged a planning application in April last year seeking a ten-year permission to construct and complete a solar PV energy development at Hawkinstown, Riverstown, Scatternagh, Balgeeth, Ardcath, Co Meath. The proposed solar farm would be operational for a period of 35 years.

Local residents claimed the development would have a massive visual impact on the area due to the geographical height of the site and felt it would have an adverse effect on the character of the area.

They were also opposed to agricultural land being given over to solar panels at a time when farmers were being asked to grow more corn and wheat on their lands. They also raised concerns over the impact on the habitat of a number of protected species in the area.

Dozens of submissions were received from concerned residents both when the application was lodged and in response to the lodging of further information.

In refusing planning permission, council planner noted that the site was located within the Central Lowlands LCA6, which is a landscape of high value, medium sensitivity and of regional importance.

"It is considered that the proposed development, as presented, would result in an incongruous feature in the landscape, would be out of character and if permitted would serve to set an undesirable precedent for similar proposals into the future," the report stated.

"Based on the information submitted with the application, it is considered that by reason of its nature, scale, massing and location, the planning authority is not satisfied that the proposed development sufficiently protects and enhances the quality, character and distinctiveness of this high landscape value" and would therefore be contrary to the Meath County Development.