Meath people encouraged to participate in 100K in 30 Days for The Marie Keating Foundation

100K in 30 Days have teamed up with the Marie Keating Foundation to support their vital breast cancer services and organisers are calling on the people of Meath to sign-up for the June event.

Marie Keating lost her life to breast cancer 25 years and her son Ronan Keating will be running 100K across the 30 days of June to raise awareness and show support for the Foundation he and his siblings set up in her name. Joining Ronan in the challenge is his wife Storm, children Missy and Jack, Dancing with the Stars Judge Arthur Gourounlian, Today FM presenter Dara Quilty, broadcasters Glenda Gilson, Norah Casey, Laura Woods and Anna Daly, to name but a few.

2023 is the fourth year of the event and to date over €4million has been raised for breast cancer services in Ireland, including the state-of-the-art Clinical Trial Centre in the new Breast Centre at Beaumont Hospital.

Ronan Keating said:

“We are delighted to team up with 100K in 30 Days in aid of The Marie Keating Foundation’s vital breast cancer services. We lost Mum 25 years ago, she was just 51. Mum’s cancer was one of the most curable forms of breast cancer but unfortunately she didn’t know enough about it. That’s why it’s crucial that we get the message out there of the importance of early detection, it can save your life! So much money has been raised by so many people over the last three years and The Marie Keating Foundation are very grateful to be the chosen charity for the 2023 100k in 30 Days challenge, and we will do all we can to make this the best year yet.”

100K in 30 Days was founded by Co. Louth (Blackrock, Dundalk) couple Niall Carroll and Cara McAdam and launched in 2020 after Cara was diagnosed with breast cancer. They are delighted to team up with The Marie Keating Foundation for this year’s event.

Liz Yeates, CEO of the Marie Keating Foundation and breast cancer survivor, said:

“Some of the breast cancer services provided by the Marie Keating Foundation that will benefit from this year’s event include our community nursing service, Schools Cancer Awareness Programme, , Comfort Fund, BRCA Peer To Peer Support, Survive and Thrive Programmes and Positive Living Workshops supporting our Cancer Community at every step.”

Steven McKenna, CEO of Sherry FitzGerald said:

"We are thrilled to once again be lead sponsor of 100K in 30 Days for the third consecutive year. Our 550 employees from over 100 offices around the country eagerly anticipate this event in June as it serves as a fantastic team building opportunity, albeit a highly competitive one. Breast cancer has affected so many people, and we take pride in supporting The Marie Keating Foundation."

100K in 30 Days for breast cancer in aid of The Marie Keating Foundation takes place over the month of June. Organisers are calling on everyone – runners, walkers, those in wheelchairs, families, colleagues, schools, community groups and sports teams, whether you’re based in Ireland or abroad, to join the #pinkarmy and take part in the June event. Registration is now open at

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