Iconic lockdown snap of grandad and newborn grandson features on Michelle Obama Netflix documentary

An iconic photograph of Drumconrath councillor, Michael Gallagher meeting his first grandchild through a window, at the start of the Covid pandemic features in the highly popular new Netflix documentary featuring Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

Little Faolán Gallagher became one of the most famous babies in the world March 2020, when a picture of his grandad, Michael Gallagher looking at him through a window went viral around the world.

That famous image, which was also featured on US TV series, Dr Phil has come to attention again, as it features close to the beginning of the documentary called 'The Light We Carry'

"I couldn't believe it when I saw it again," said Michael. "At the time, 190 million people had seen it. I suppose it showed what lockdown was like. It was a tough time, but so much worse for people who died in hospitals without having their families with them.

"Faolán was delighted to see the picture."

In the Netflix show, Michelle Obama delves into the challenges and life lessons that shaped her second bestselling book 'The Light We Carry' in an illuminating conversation with Oprah Winfrey. The former first lady of the US says that during the first weeks of the pandemic in 2020, she found herself overwhelmed — and not just by the uncertainty and danger that came with a frightening global emergency, but also by the fact that everything she heard and saw on the news felt massive and consequential.

Among the pictures illustrating that was the picture of Michael Gallagher and his grandson.

The poignant picture became a symbol of the lockdown measures implemented around the world in March 2020.

Covid-19 restrictions meant Michael's first view of his newborn grandson could only be through a window – and it was 14 weeks before he got to hold his very first grandchild.

It was an emotional time for the family when they finally got to meet properly after 14 weeks and the poignancy of their situation led the family to lend their support to a campaign at that time have a one-off extension to maternity leave.

Little Faolán is now three years old and Michael is enjoying seeing him as often as he can. His parents, Emma and Micheál are expecting another baby.

"He's a lovely wee lad, he's growing up. He is starting playschool shortly," says Michael who recalls how emotional it was when he finally got to meet Faolán properly “It was emotional. They were strange times. We saw him though the window and he was doing well but it was great to finally meet him properly. He was great, he didn't make strange and was in good form".

Faolán was born in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in March 2020 and for 14 weeks Michael and his wife Sheila, and Emma's mother, Mary had only been able to see the baby through the window of Micheál and Emma's home.

Faolán's parents were told at the hospital to boil wash everything we had been wearing in the hospital and to isolate. They could not have people holding him and the only other person allowed in the house was the public health nurse.

Emma and Micheál went to the hospital for Faolán delivery on 13th March 2020 – the day after the Taoiseach made the announcement closing all schools and by the time they were leaving everything was closing.