Free talk on anxiety in children by children's mental health expert in Ashbourne next month

An expert on children's mental health will be giving a free talk on anxiety to parents, children and adolescents at Ashbourne Public Library next month.

On 1st June at 7pm Dr. Cassidy will explain and break down what exactly anxiety is, and share simple strategies to help with managing it, in accessible and easy-to-understand language.

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide anxiety is the 9th leading cause of disease and illness for 15-19-year-olds, and the 6th leading problem for those aged 10-14 (WHO, 2020).

Globally, Covid yielded higher rates of anxiety at a time when medical and mental health facilities were forced to close their doors. This highlights the urgency in addressing the mental health crisis we now face, and yet support systems for children and adolescents continue to fall short at all levels.

Dr Cassidy will also talk about her recently published book, ‘Tired of Anxiety – A Kid’s Guide to Befriending Scary Thoughts and Living your Life Anyway’, as well as the upcoming ‘Tired of Anxiety- A Teens Guide to Befriending Scary Thoughts and Living Your Life Anyway’, both of which she co-authored with Boston Clinical Psychologist and Harvard University Faculty Dr. Lisa Coyne.

Finally, Dr. Cassidy will invite children and adolescents to submit any artwork to the art competition for the upcoming books in the 5-part ‘Tired of Anxiety’ series. Co-author Dr. Sarah Cassidy observes;

“We think that much of the messaging delivered to kids around anxiety unfortunately lacks compassion and support. We tend to tell children to just stop feeling their feelings, as though it were that easy. This often feels impossible for children.

"The ‘Tired of Anxiety’ series is all about listening, exploring and living your life despite whatever challenges may come your way.

"We also want to involve the local communities in issues that affect them. We believe that the completed books will be a valuable resource for children, adolescents and families who may not have access to private clinics, but still experience anxiety."

All the artwork in the first book was created by art clubs held in Athboy LMETB, and in a school in Boston, Massachusetts according to Dr Cassidy who said:

"We are now inviting the local library to take part in an art competition, as we want more kids to know about, and be actively involved in, these creative mental health projects. We are very pleased that our local library are welcoming us here, and seeing the importance of this work. We are pleased to present Meath County Library with 5 free copies of the ‘Tired of Anxiety– A Kid’s Guide to Befriending Scary Thoughts and Living your Life Anyway’ because we understand that not everyone can afford to purchase copies.”

All are welcome to attend the free talk, and copies of Tired of Anxiety for Kids will be available for sale and for signing on the night. For more information, please contact the clinic at, or Ashbourne Library at