Meath women to feature in new TG4 series ‘Dúirt Bean Liom’

Hannah McNamara

In a new TG4 series of Dúirt Bean Liom [What a woman told me] 13 different women from different generations, will share their life experiences and personal issues from a woman’s perspective. Discussing topics from relationships to body issues, empowerment to rights, the new series will show the world through a female lens.

The second programme of this series, Wednesday 14th of June, Meath sisters Étáin and Máire Ní Churraoin from the Ráth Chairn Gaeltacht, born and raised, explore the world of dating today, heartache and loneliness, the excitement of marriage and other important relationships that stimulate love and affection. Máire, 23, is studying Irish and Religion in Maynooth University hopes to get her degree this year and continue into a master before becoming a secondary school teacher. Similarly, Étáin who is a year-and-a-half older is nearly qualified as a secondary school teacher. With her upcoming wedding, Étáin is busy planning all the details while currently on her search for the perfect wedding dress.

Meath sisters Étáin and Máire Ní Churraoin

The following episode on the 21st of June features another Meath woman, Ailbhe Nic Cába, from Ashbourne.

Ailbhe shares stories of her struggle with menstrual pains, something that has created many problems for her in her life. She explains how she believed that she was weaker in comparison to her sisters and other women because of doctors thinking very little of her symptoms. This is just one of the things that happens often to women with problems that only affect them. Since then, she found out she has endometriosis, a painful disorder, which is the cause of her painful menstruation. Menstruation is a massive part of a woman’s life and Ailbhe thinks it is important to talk about it for people to understand how it impacts us all in different ways.

Ailbhe uses her time on this show to openly discuss the difficult experience she’s had with menstruation, the lack of talking about it, the struggle of being heard and how it impacts daily life.

Ailbhe Nic Cába from Ashbourne

Tune into TG4 to watch and relate to the 13 different women who share their opinions and experiences of dealing with life challenges, love and relationships, women’s role in life and how that is changing and issues concerning women and their bodies.