Cocaine and cash worth over €1.5 million seized and one person arrested in Meath and Dublin

Gardaí have seized cocaine with an estimated street value of €1.2m along with significant sums of cash and arrested one man during ongoing operations in counties Dublin and Meath.

On Monday the 19th of June 2023, at approximately 4pm, as part of intelligence-led investigations targeting organised criminal activity under Operation Tara, officers attached to the Garda National Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau supported by the Emergency Response Unit, intercepted two vehicles in The Ward area of Dublin near the Meath border, resulting in the seizure of cocaine with an estimated street value of €1.2 million.

Searches were subsequently commenced at three business premises, six residential properties and lands at two locations in The Ward area.

Photo: An Garda Siochana

In the course of the searches cash totalling €350,000 and £28,000 sterling was seized along with financial documentation, vehicles, electronic devices, a money counter and a vacuum-packing machine.

One (1) male aged 40 was arrested on suspicion of committing organised crime offences pursuant to Section 72 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2006 and is currently detained, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2007 at a Garda station in County Meath.

Drugs and cash seized by Gardai

The operation is being supported by the Defence Forces along with other National and Divisional Garda units and the Criminal Assets Bureau.

Commenting on the operation, Assistant Commissioner of Organised and Serious Crime, Justin Kelly said: "The focus of An Garda Síochána is preventing harm to our communities. This operation has prevented a significant amount of cocaine making it onto our streets for supply, the profit from which would have been reinvested, not only in further drugs supply, but also to fuel other forms of violence and harm.

"Seizing this huge sum of cash is a significant blow for this organised crime group and demonstrates our strategy to dismantle such groups and deprive them of their illicit profits. I wish to thank all the members of An Garda Síochána from the various specialist sections involved in this substantial policing operation. I also wish express my gratitude to our Defence Forces personnel who also provided valuable assistance and expertise."

The operation is ongoing at this time and further updates will follow.