New Dunshaughlin area cathaoirleach, Damien O’Reilly.

O’Reilly wants businesses and area council to work together

The new cathaoirleach of Ratoath Municipal Council is Fianna Fail's Cllr Damien O'Reilly, who takes over from Cllr Gillian Toole.

Cllr O'Reilly said he was honoured to serve in the role and was looking forward to the year ahead.

"I am looking forward to working with local businesses over the next 12 months to grow economic development in the area. There are so many expanding communities across the district and I will be working hard to ensure the expansion of facilities for all members of the community," he stated.

"I am looking forward to the municipal district agenda being opened up to local sporting clubs and societies to make repsentations in front of councillors. I believe local businesses and the municipal council should work together to aid local commerce as it is the local businesses that are our rate payers."

Cllr O'Reilly said one of the biggest issues facing the district was the water supply and frequent bursts.

"I am looking forward to the completion of work on the Windmill Hill Reservoir and Trunkmain to Ratoath project, which should help resolve the water supply problems," he said.