Plans for offices, supermarket, and commercial units near Dunboyne village.

Plans for offices, supermarket, and commercial units near Dunboyne

Plans for a mixed-use development to include a supermarket and two commercial units as well as the replacement of the existing Pace roundabout with a four-arm signalised junction at Bennetstown and Pace, Dunboyne have been submitted to Meath County Council.

McGarrell Reilly Homes has applied for a 10-year permission on a 2.79 hectares site which includes a site of 0.87ha situated to the south-west of the M3 Parkway and south-east of the Dunboyne Bypass (R157) located in the Townland of Bennetstown.

The balance of the site (1.92ha) is located in the townlands of Pace, Bennetstown and Dunboyne including the Dunboyne Bypass (R157) and M3 Parkway access.

The proposed development consists of construction of a single-storey commercial building to include a supermarket with delivery, store and service area (1,880 sqm), including net retail floorspace of 1,510 sqm, and two commercial units (combined 280 sqm) for use as shop, financial, professional and other services or a cafe.

The plans also include the provision of a four-arm signalised junction replacing the existing Pace roundabout to include a new northern arm with segregated cycleway and footpath as welll as uppgrade works to the existing R157 and M3 Parkway access road to facilitate junction improvements.

Access to the development is proposed via a new three-arm priority-controlled junction from the upgraded southern arm of the proposed our-arm signalised junction, with 6m wide internal access roads to serve the development.

A total of 118 surface level car parking spaces including six disabled access bays and four electric car charging points and 20 short-stay bicycle parking spaces

Meanwhile, Meath Council is considering a separate application by McGarrell Reilly for an office development on a site of 4.665 hectares at Bennetstown, Pace, Dunboyne, with a decision due this week.

The proposed development consists of three office buildings with a total gross floor area of 13,729 sqm ranging in height from three to four storeys.

Building one (3,597 sqm) is three-storeys, 2.35 metres in height to top of parapet, with a set back louvred screen 2m above parapet level. Building two (5,336 sqm) is four-storeys, 16.125 metres in height to top of parapet, with a set back louvred screen 2m above parapet level. Building 3 (4,796 sqm) is four-storeys, 16.125 metres to top of parapet, with a set back louvred screen 2m above parapet level.

Building three (4,796 sqm) is four-storeys in height (16.125 metres to top of parapet), with a set back louvred screen 2m above parapet level. This application also includes the provision of a four-arm signalised junction replacing the existing Pace roundabout as mentioned in the above application and upgrade works to the R157 and M3 Parkway access road to facilitate junction improvements.

Atotal of 275 surface car parking spaces including 14 disabled access bays and 55 electric car charging points, 280 bicycle parking spaces in three secure cycle storage areas adjacent to the buildings.