Deceased snake discovered on 15th June

Two snakes mysteriously dumped in Duleek over 10 days

Hannah McNamara

This month two snakes have been mysteriously dumped in the exact same location in Duleek on separate dates.

The first snake discovered by teenagers on 15th June during a litter pick was found in a plastic container at the side of the road. It was dead and dumped along with its shedded skin.

Meath County Council were called to the scene to remove the dead reptile.

Nine days later, on last Saturday, 24th June, a second snake was found by a member of the public in a container in the same spot, this time alive.

Local Senator Sharon Keogan took to Facebook to share the news with the locals: "Another snake dumped early in the morning or overnight in exactly the same place. Please do not approach the area until clear."

Snake discovered on 24th June

The council were contacted again for the removal of the live snake. They transported the reptile to Kelly's Vets in Ratoath to ensure it was in safe location.

The species of snakes remains unknown however Sharon Keogan said she hopes there are fingerprints or some evidence on the containers that can determine the origin of the snakes.

Sharon later updated her social media post to thank all those involved with the incident: "Thanks to John one of the council ground crew here in Duleek and Liz for the help in locating a safe space for it."

"Thank you as well to Pet Mania in Navan who also volunteered to take him."

"Big thank you to Noel for alerting me this morning. Quick response by all."