Some of the Bettystown litter collected.

Tonne of rubbish collected on Meath coastline

Some 150 volunteers in Meath collected almost one tonne of litter at nine clean-ups held both on land and by the coast by groups of all sizes, from individuals, to households, community groups, sport groups, Tidy Towns, and more to prevent litter pollution at the source to ensure it does not end up in the ocean.

The month of June marked the celebration of Irish environmental programme, Clean Coasts’ 20th anniversary where clear community spirit was exhibited by volunteers taking part in clean-up events in Meath. Bettystown Tidy Towns held a public event on Bettystown Beach to celebrate Clean Coasts' and World Ocean Day. Great work was carried out with lots of litter removed from the beach. The group also recently collaborated with Clean Coasts for the launch of a campaign tackling smoking related litter in the area.

A spokesperson for Clean Coasts said: "The significance of community spirit in Clean Coasts volunteers across Meath this year and years prior cannot be understated and over the past two decades, groups nationwide have tirelessly worked towards the preservation and conservation of our precious coastlines, reminding us all of the vital role we play in protecting our oceans.

In honour of their efforts Clean Coasts gifted a number of volunteers who registered for World Ocean Day in Meath free clean-up kits.

Statistics indicate that the leading cause of marine litter is urban littering, making World Ocean Day a valuable opportunity for residents of both coastal and non-coastal areas to address this issue at its root and prevent litter from entering waterways. The World Ocean Day organisation promotes collective conservation efforts, engaging with organisations across 140 countries. With the theme "Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing," World Ocean Day 2023 emphasises the significance of preserving marine resources for the well-being of future generations.

More events hosted by Clean Coasts groups took place across Ireland throughout the month of June as part of the extended World Ocean Day call to action.