Disability parking spaces need to placed where they are needed - Fitzsimons

The need to locate disability parking spaces in the areas where they are most needed was highlighted by Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons at a recent meeting of Navan Municipal Council.

Cllr Fitzsimons proposed that the Council discuss disability parking in the town centre area and "where we can improve on it whilst works on Navan 2030 are ongoing.”

He said that some streets needed disability parking more than others.

"They are needed for example outside a chemists or shops. There is one disability spot in the town, and if you park there and open the door, it hits off the parking meter.

"We need to look at where they are really needed. There is a disability space on Brews Hill outside Aldi, but there are a number of spots in the Aldi car park. Across the road, there is a chemist and a bakery, which would be a better place to locate a disability space."

Cllr Fitzsimons pointed out the town has lost some disability spots including one at Market Square and two in Metges Lane.

He was told the Parking Section have reviewed the disability parking spaces in the town centre in context of the Navan 2030 works. The council will discuss options with the design team for improvements to the signage and access to disability parking spaces while the works are ongoing.

Meanwhile, Cllr Edward Fennessy asked the executive if the introduction of a clamping system was under consideration in Navan, to deal with illegal parking on disability, taxi and public transport spaces.

He was told the Council was not considering the introduction of clamping in Navan or any of the paid parking towns in the county.

"We have a contract in situ for the operation and maintenance of our paid parking which includes traffic warden services. The traffic wardens are vigilant on observing and issuing fines for illegal parking on taxi, disability and bus bays during patrol hours," according to a written answer from the council.

"Members of the public can report illegal parking in taxi ranks, disabled parking and bus bays by contracting Meath County Council’s Customer services or Parking@meathcoco.ie

Illegal Parking outside hours of paid parking patrol is responsibility of An Garda Siochana."