Duleek Player David Andrews, Robbie Farrell, Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue, Duleek Players Ruth Matthews and Con McGinley, Ann Shortt Drogheda Altheimer’s Society and Christopher O’Brien Lynch, Mellon Educate Africa.

Murder makes money for local charities

Murder is usually no laughing matter, but it has helped local thespians The Duleek Drama Players raise €5,000 for three local and national charities with their sell out performances of the comedy 'Murdered To Death'.

“It was a ‘who dunnit’ with a difference, and we are glad to say it has helped us make a positive difference, raising substantial funds for our charity partners,” said Duleek Players chairman, Con McGinley.

The drama by Peter Gordon played to packed houses in Drogheda’s Droichead Arts Centre from 18th to 22nd April, with the Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue and Recovery Service, Drogheda Alzheimer’s Society and Mellon Educate Africa benefiting from performances.

“Thanks to our enthusiastic audiences we are delighted to present €1,000 to the Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue, with cheques of €2,000 each for Drogheda Alzheimer’s Association and Mellon Educate Africa,” said Con.

He said over their 38-year existence the Duleek Players have established a reputation for quality performances and productions.

“We would like to particularly thank our sponsors, big and small. Their financial support helps us bring our work to the stage and in turn raise thousands of euro for charity.”

The group returns to the Droichead Arts Centre in April next year with the sequel to this year’s play.

“Our audiences enjoyed the characters so much we’ve decided to produce the sequel called Secondary Causes of Death. It’s an even funnier combination of intrigue and comedy and we’re really looking forward to getting it on stage,” said Con.